AMA insanity in detail spreading to ALL nations! 

The Use of Drugs:A practice that is laying the foundation of a vast amount of disease and of even more serious evils is the free use of poisonous drugs. When attacked by disease, many will not take the trouble to search out the cause of their illness. Their chief anxiety is to rid themselves of pain and inconvenience.

By the use of poisonous drugs, many bring upon themselves lifelong illness, and many lives are lost that might be saved by the use of natural methods of healing. The poisons contained in many so-called remedies create habits and appetites that mean ruin to both soul and body. Many of the popular nostrums called patent medicines, and even some of the drugs dispensed by physicians, act a part in laying the foundation of the liquor habit, the opium habit, the morphine habit, that are so terrible a curse to society.

Drug medication, as it is generally practiced, is a curse. Educate away from drugs. Use them less and less, and depend more upon hygienic agencies; then nature will respond to God's physicians—pure air, pure water, proper exercise, a clear conscience. Those who persist in the use of tea, coffee, and flesh meats will feel the need of drugs, but many might recover without one grain of medicine if they would obey the laws of health. Drugs need seldom be used. -Counsels for the Church page 105



Ever notice this?
The AMA uses the law to make it ok to legally honor a suicidal request as well as an abortion. In other words, the AMA is literally making billions of dollars by legally killing people! If someone would have told you 50 years ago that the AMA would be the world's leading "legal" mass murderer, would you have believed them?

10 Reasons To Skip The Flu Shot

Nano Silver not only works, the Government was forced to ADMIT IT!

VIDEO: Private Dr. Rima Recommends Nano Silver 10PPM

Vaccine KILLS Clinical Trial Volunteer

 VIDEO: Mandated Vaccinations, Get Ready To Say "NO!"

"American Medical Association Insanity" on video

NOTICE: Not every doctor in the AMA is corrupt. I know many that are not only honest, they are Christians to boot. Sadly, however, like in any profession, most doctors are corrupt who don't take their hippocratic oath very seriously. So pray before you approach a doctor and CHECK HIM OR HER OUT thoroughly! It's better to be safe than sorry. Because in many cases, sorry means DEAD.

Teenager overcomes terminal brain cancer with raw foods


click image for larger view

Notice the snake? See the three loops? Can you see the "666"?

Want to be HEALED OF CANCER? Watch this video

Over the years I have seen one insane action after another performed by the "so called" doctors of medical science. They claim the natural methods of healing put forth by God Himself are "quackery" even though they have been proven time and time again to actually heal people of everything from AIDS to Cancer. Truth is, the American Medical Association (AMA) doctors are nothing more then Sorcerers. In fact, this is mentioned in prophecy...

Speaking of the "real" first Pope, we see this...

Speaking of the Vatican's prophecied end, we see this...

How is the word "sorceries" defined in the Word of God?

5331 pharmakeia {far-mak-i'-ah}

 from 5332;; n f

 AV - sorcery 2, witchcraft 1; 3

1) the use or the administering of drugs
2) poisoning
3) sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it
4) metaph. the deceptions and seductions

Notice the Greek word "Pharmakeia"? In today's language that would be translated PHARMACY! Amazing how the Pharmacies of today are purposely connected with the Vatican in Christian prophecy isn't it? With this information adding to the pile of evidence against the Roman church, It truly becomes mind boggling just how many evils actually stem from this vat-of-sin in Rome.

It has been proven time and time again that if you properly use natural methods to rid yourself of sickness and disease you are healed 100% However, if you use the sorceries/drugs of the AMA you are never healed. Why? Because if they heal you they loose a paying customer. Natural methods have been known to heal people with Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and even AIDS. Yet, if you use the AMA drugs, you are told you will need them for the rest of your life! They do nothing more then mask the symptoms and empty the wallets and purses of those duped by them.

Now I am not saying that you should get off your meds or refuse to see a doctor. If your life is in danger, there is no sin in using the meds they perscribe. Truth is, it may be the only way to slow the progress of the disease at present, and you can take advantage of that fact. What I mean is, if you also use natural meds at the same time you use AMA drugs, you may eventually rectify the issue to where you can get healed and off all medications on both sides of the isle. All AMA doctors agree that natural healing herbs do not cause problems when mixing with their drugs. STILL, I would double check with your doctor to make sure. After all, this is your life you're dealign with. At the same time, I would ask a natural healing doctor what herbs would help while doing the AMA drugs. AMA drugs can and do save lives, and they can be used to keep you stable enough as you heal yourself naturally. So please be very cautious here.

On this page I plan to post numerous articles that prove the AMA are indeed untrustworthy in many ways and the Natural Doctors are indeed the real healers of today. Why have I been urged to create such a page as this? Other than numerous personal testimonies of myself and loved ones, as well as complete strangers that have been healed 100% of aliments the AMA said are incurable, I was actually moved to go forth and make this page exposing the AMA after reading the following article. Read it and be prepared to be SHOCKED!


'Mengele Lives!' if FDA rule approvedPlan would allow medical experimentation on uninformed patients
Posted: September 8, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006

Richard D. Ackerman

Medical experiments could be carried out in the United States on uninformed patients under a rule change proposed by the Food and Drug Administration, charges a California pro-family group..

The plan is in a rule proposed by the FDA regarding "emergency research" that scientists and doctors could conduct on unconscious or otherwise incapacitated patients, said Richard Ackerman of the Pro-Life Law Center.

The proposed rules, known as "Guidance for Institutional Review Boards, Clinical Investigators, and Sponsors: Exception from Informed Consent for Emergency Research," are scheduled for a public hearing next month.

The proposal would allow the use of any "investigational new drug application" or "investigational device" on people who have a life-threatening medical condition for which other treatments are unsatisfactory. It applies in situations where the patients are unconscious and cannot give consent and none of their representatives is available.

"Such 'emergency research' could be conducted without any informed consent from the patient or their designated representative," Ackerman noted.

"Informed consent is a touchstone in regards to human freedom in medical issues," he said. Pro-Family Law Center, told WorldNetDaily yesterday. "It's been held in common law for hundreds of years.

"The minute you allow a doctor to cross that line, between the patient or patient's representive being in the know, you've given over complete control to the doctor," he said.

He described the experiments as being "Nazi-like" and said he used that term intentionally.

"This is reminiscent of the days of Hitler and Dr. Mengele," he said. "The idea that research can be performed on a human being without informed consent is antithetical to the very meaning of human self-determination and dignity." Josef Mengele was the Nazi leader who performed a wide range of scientifically-useless and mostly-fatal experiments on humans during Hitler's era.

The Nazis, led by Mengele's experimentation desires, "conducted dangerous medical experiments on innocent people without consent. Many people died as a result of the Nazis' human experiments and many others suffered a lifetime of post-experimental trauma and injury," the center said.

One of Mengele's experiments, for example, reportedly tried to create conjoined people by sewing children together.

"The Pro-Family Law Center does not accept the idea that the U.S. government can order any human experimentation without valid informed consent," Ackerman said in a statement. "PFLC is urging all Christians, Jews, and patients' rights advocates to challenge these proposed regulations."

This new battle over the value of life is very important, Ackerman said.

"If a human being can be experimented on with absolutely no consent, we have lost all sense of human dignity. While our nation long ago lost much of its respect for preborn children, we attempted to hold on to the principles of informed consent and human dignity for adults. These new regulations would chip away at the little remaining respect that our nation has for human life."

The Pro-Family Law Center is planning an opinion letter to be sent to the president and the FDA, and will be working on a petition drive as well, officials said.

Ackerman said the biggest danger rests for the homeless, or other citizens in marginalized groups, because they often don't have anyone to act as a representative if they are involved in an accident or become ill.

"There will be a subclass of patients who can't give consent themselves, or don't have a representative," he said. That concept was the same used by the Nazis, who considered some groups of people less than human.

Ackerman, besides leading the Pro-Family Law Center, is a published author and contributing writer to Whistleblower Magazine and WorldNetDaily.

He has defended the Pledge of Allegiance before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and U.S. Supreme Court and battled for religious liberty and to defeat same-sex marriage.

NOTICE: Researchers (with the demon of Josef Mengele) want to experiment on older human embryos 



(A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000
(B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000
(C) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171.
Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of Health Human Services.)

Now notice this:
(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000. (Yes, that's 80 million..)
(B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
(C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .000188
Statistics courtesy of the FBI)

So, statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners. So the real truth is, "Guns don't kill people, doctors do."

Please alert your friends to this alarming threat. We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand! Out of concern for the public at large,We have withheld the statistics on lawyers for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical attention!


How To Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations – For Adults and Children

Vaccine Detox #2

5 Ways the Bible Decries Vaccines? 

VIDEO: (MUST SEE) Ask The Experts (Covid-19 Vaccine)
Now Banned on YouTube and Facebook

Many of the AMA doctors were discussing at a convention the many dangers of vaccinations. After a few hours of horrendous accounts of what vaccines do to people, they decided to have a vote on stopping the recommendation of vaccines. Then 3 pediatricians stepped up and explained that if they vote down the vaccines, all pediatricians would be out of work because 80% of their income comes from vaccines! They decided not to vote! Click here for the video that touches on this. Fast forward to 6:19 in the video to see what I mean.

Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered
"Neon Nettle has reported about medical scientists being murdered, the majority of which were stationed in Florida. These doctors had one thing in common: they have all discovered that vaccines were tampered with nagalase enzyme protein and then administered to humans. This enzyme prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, which is the body’s natural defense against cancer cells and autism. has confirmed that nagalese is a protein that’s being created by all cancer cells, as well as found in autistic kids in large quantities. That’s the secret “bonus” we’ve been getting in our vaccines!" -Source

There's your smoking gun! Literally!

As I've been saying for decades, the AMA is nothing more than a profit driven machine and they will do whatever it takes to make money. And that includes murder. But then they have been killing millions of babies every year as well as helping the sick and elderly commit self-murder as well so, this is merely par for the course they're on. The fact they were instrumental in getting laws passed that allow women to kill their very own babies confirmed that decades ago. But it's so much worse now since then. This money making machine is so heartless that literally millions of people become addicts and even die from mistakes and even suicide due to the AMA's drugs, and nary a politician will do anything about it because they know they can make millions keeping it all under the rug.

There is so much money to be made in treating the sick that the hospitals with absolute power to murder and get away with it, will create drugs and vaccines that not only prevent cures so as to make people into lifelong paying customers, the vaccines have been exposed over and over again as being a very lucrative tool the AMA can use to assure future customers they can make insane amounts of money with.

And the reason I say they have the power to murder is because the ones running the show in the AMA way up in their ivory towers are very closely connected with those passing the laws in DC that not only protect them from prosecution, they protect them from even being sued by their many victims. When you have the kind of money that funnels into a business like the AMA does, absolutely no one can touch you here on earth. Not even the president of the most powerful nation will consider going after them because that kind of money means they have power the president himself cannot hold a candle to.

And yes, the Vatican has been behind this monster all along. As I shared on my "Big Pharma & Rome" page, the Vatican is in bed with the drug making industry just as prophecy predicted they would be. For those that heard me make such claims decades ago thought I was crazy. But if the Bible says it, who am I to deny it? Still.. for years all I had was prophetic fact to back it up and seeing how most don't believe the Bible, most ignored me. That is until I posted that article that came out in June of 2012. Strangely, even though dozens stood in line to call me a nut case regarding all this, nary a soul called to apologize. But then, I know how those that hate truth also have a distaste for crow as well.

Still.. the big pharma bombshell is only half of it. Yes, we have all the prophecies already proving the Popes of Rome are running the show, but were you also aware they operate most of the hospitals now and it was recently published in 2013 that out of all the non-profit and public hospitals, only Roman Catholic hospitals are growing in number! All the other religious and non-profits are closing! The only other hospitals that are growing in number are the "for-profit" hospitals. Is it any wonder we see Vatican approved aspects of Obamacare in it and Obama himself praising the Catholic church at last June's Catholic Health Conference?! I wonder if I'll get any emails from those laughing about my comments regarding the Obamacare/Vatican connections over the last few years? Not likely.. So again.. when you have that kind of money, who on earth can touch you? Truth is, those in power won't. But they will praise you so as to get their piece of the pie.

And the best part of it all for the AMA is, they know the way the cancer laden vaccines are designed can make it almost 100% impossible to be discovered later on when the victim (new customer) falls ill. The diseases will take anywhere from a week to 25 years to appear in the vaccinated victim. So the doctors run with it knowing they can easily escape prosecution just as the pedophile priest can.

Still.. should this worry any of us? No.. not at all. Sure it can be difficult to deal with a crippled or even shortened life this side of eternity; but the key here is that eternity is very real. Even if they get away with crippling and killing you or a loved one, eventually their sins will be shouted from the rooftops. But even that isn't something to look forward to. It is something they will dread of course, and they will most assuredly weep and gnash their teeth. But once eternity starts we will never again have to worry about the politics of the AMA and DC wherein the people are nothing more than profit generating merchandise to those in high positions in the government and the church. We will be in heavenly bliss for all eternity, and their folderol won't even be a memory. The scary thing is however... if you're not a Christian, and you are maimed and killed by the AMA; your life was shortened by them and you don't even get the option for another life wherein disease is never even contemplated for the endless ages to come. So, why not embrace Jesus as Saviour now before it's too late to do so. Because once the judgment is over, and that will be sealed are sealed, no matter how much you cry out then won't matter. For Jesus plainly said in Revelation 22:11-12, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.  And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." 

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  1. ARTICLE STACK FOR 07-14-21 Report: More vaccine deaths last week than COVID-19 deaths * VIDEO: Luciferase Found With Black-light * VIDEO: I am a 100% sure this is a hoax, but how? * VIDEO: Magnetism in People & Food - Who is Behind 'Graphene Flagship'? Dr. Jane Ruby * US swimmer Michael Andrew explains reason for skipping COVID-19 vaccine before Olympics * Inhaled COVID-19 vaccine successful in animal study (MUCH faster access to the BRAIN!) * VIDEO: Americans 'do not need' COVID-19 booster shot, FDA, CDC say (But media WILL ignore it - AGAIN) * VIDEO: Essential Facts Your Doctor Probably Forgot To Tell You about the Covid-19 Vaccine * VIDEO: Magnetic Nanoparticles, Luciferase & The Wef - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny * VIDEO: More Luciferase Found * FDA & CDC reassure Americans that 3rd Covid-19 jab not needed YET, as Pfizer seeks to request emergency approval for booster shot * Number of Deaths Reported After COVID Vaccines Jumps by More Than 2,000 in 1 Week, According to VAERS * Post-COVID vaccine deaths are not being autopsied – why? (It's because they know the vaccine killed them) * Surgeon who operated on young Italian vaccine victim: ‘You have never seen anything like this’ * Spanish Researchers Declare: Covid-19 Is Caused by Graphene Oxide * VIDEO: Warning!! Elon Musk's Neuro-Lace is Graphene Oxide!! Ingredients in CV19 Jab! * VIDEO: Vaxxed have a 990% more chance of dying * VIDEO: Brutally **Forced** Covid-vaccinations Begin - Argentina

  2. ARTICLE STACK FOR 07-07-21 VIDEO: Some people will just let themselves be KILLED! (Suicide by AMA) * VIDEO: US funded China’s coronavirus research * VIDEO: Situation Update, July 1st, 2021 - Covid vaccine TERMINATES 4 out of 5 pregnancies * The Majority of People Dying From COVID Today Have Been Vaccinated; Still, (they say) Please Continue To Get Your Vaccine * VIDEO: How Many Coincidences Make a Conspiracy? * VIDEO: 17-Year-Old Diagnosed with Heart Condition After Pfizer Vaccine Shot * Healthy boy, 13, dies in his sleep after receiving second COVID vaccine dose
  3. ARTICLE STACK FOR 06-30-21 VIDEO: UPDATE 3-FDA to add warning about rare heart inflammation to Pfizer, Moderna vaccines * VIDEO: It worths your time (A MUST watch) * VIDEO: Irreversible Heart Damage To Our Youth? * VIDEO: Dr Jane Ruby * VIDEO: Pregnancy Loss Miscarriages and Stillbirths After Covid-19 Vaccine Over 500 Reports In VAERS (Over 4 HOURS of info!) * VIDEO: Exposing Shocking Lies At The Jab Centre * VIDEO: Newswatch Live - 2 | 6-17-2021: Dr. John Reizer On Dangers Of Covid Vaccines For Children & All * VIDEO: They Know We Know They Are Lying So Keep Spreading The Word * VIDEO: Expert Mary Tocco Explains The Dangers Of Childhood Vaccines * VIDEO: 46 residents in Spanish nursing home die after receiving COVID-19 vaccine * VIDEO: Harris encouraging leftist volunteers to knock on people's doors to harass them to get vaccinated * VIDEO: CDC advice? Child suffers pericarditis from COVID vax, give them a 2nd shot? * VIDEO: mRNA Vaccine Inventor Calls For Stop Of Covid Vax * RFK, Jr. Warned FDA Three Months Ago About Ingredient in Pfizer COVID Vaccine That Likely Caused Life-Threatening Reaction in Two UK Healthcare Workers * Protests Planned in 5 U.S. Cities to Challenge Vaccination of Underage Children Without Parental Consent * YouTube Risks Prolonging Pandemic by Censoring Potentially Life-Saving COVID Treatment * Physician: ‘Fanaticism’ — Not Science — Governs CDC’s Aggressive Push to Vaccinate Even Those With Natural Immunity * CDC, FDA Prepare Mass Distribution of a Merck/Sanofi Six-in-One Vaccine for Kids, Turning Blind Eye to Safety Signals * VIDEO: Kids Say Vaxxed Parents Memories Are Shot * Real Negative Vaccine Reaction Stories (Set up state by state) * College-Aged Vaccination Risks Likely Outweigh COVID Risks + More * Covid PCR test swabs: CONFIRMED GENOCIDE * VIDEO: Your Body Cannot Make Anti-bodies To Something Not In Your Body, So What's In The Vaccine? * VIDEO: Tearful mom tells senator how COVID vaccine put daughter in wheelchair * Thousands of vaccinated people hospitalized or dead due to COVID 'breakthrough' cases * VIDEO: Girl nails school board: 'I don't want to hear about sexuality during class'
  4. ARTICLE STACK FOR 06-23-21 VIDEO: RED FLAG - Men Who Have Taken Vaccine, Huge Spike In PSA * VIDEO: Majority of Physicians decline Covid911 shots, according to survey, nearly 60% * VIDEO: PARENTS WATCH NOW - Ex NHS Nurse Louise Hampton Speaks The Truth & FACTS * VIDEO: Covid vaccine is a KILLER (A MUST WATCH) * VIDEO: They Literally Tell You The Double Vaccianted Will Die * VIDEO: Why The Pfizer Vaccine Attacks The Heart? * Did a Military Experimental Vaccine in 1918 Kill 50-100 Million People Blamed as “Spanish Flu”? * The vaccine watchman * VIDEO: There Was Noone Admitted To Covid Wards Past Months That Was Not Vaccinated * World-famous scientist issues warning about genetically modified vaccines (He died directly before the Covid supposedly broke out) * VIDEO: Private School In Miami Warns Teachers Against Taking COVID-19 Vaccine * VIDEO: Government told to stop the jabs because they are toxic * VIDEO: Jimmy Dore (Comedian) What happened to me since getting the Moderna jab * Almost 4,000 fully vaccinated people in Massachusetts have tested positive for COVID-19 * VIDEO: After Covid-19 Vaccine CAR CRASHES Wrecks & Near Accidents When People Lose Control While Driving * VIDEO: ‘COVID vaccine or jail?’: Duterte warns as Delta variant surges * VIDEO: O Canada * VIDEO: Leaked Airline Documents Reveal Horrific Details About ‘Vaccinated’ Pilots By Stew Peters Show * VIDEO: Warning! Why The Vaxxed Are Acting Strange – And Why It Will Get Even Worse * Majority of Californians 12 and Older Getting Vaccinated * CDC Finds More Cases of Heart Inflammation Than Expected in Vaccinated Young Males
  5. ARTICLE STACK FOR 06-16-21 VIDEO: EXPOSED! Magnetism INTENTIONALLY Added to 'Vaccine' to Force mRNA Through Entire Body * New Analysis: Pfizer Vaccine Killed ‘About 40 Times More Elderly Than the Disease Itself Would Have Killed’ * VIDEO: Chinese Government Scientist Filed Covid Vaccine Patent Before Pandemic Began * Biden says he will be announcing a vaccine plan for the world * VIDEO: Bill Gates Paralyzes Children In India And Africa With Polio Vaccines * VIDEO: 30 Yrs Ago, Dr. Robert Willner Accused Anthony Fauci Of Genocide during the AIDS ScamDemic * VIDEO: Plandemic Indoctornationߔ¥450000 Injured By Bill Gates Vaccine In India & Africa * VIDEO: Corona Vaccine For Dummies * 1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of the Nuremberg Code * VIDEO: Anti-Vax Doctor Pushes Conspiracy Theories * VIDEO: Warning! Oil and Gas Companies Planning on Vaccinated Employees Dying * COVID-19: CDC warns over heart inflammation cases linked to mRNA vaccines * VIDEO: GRAPHIC language - German Dr is Speaking out! Children are DYING! * VIDEO: U.S. Military are giving children COVID vaccines in Idaho schools * VIDEO: French Ambulance Man And Nurses Alert Massive Increase In Deaths Following The Shot * VIDEO: Apparently 1500 Study Recipients Have Immediately Gotten Cervical Cancer After The "Vaccination" * VIDEO: Houston Methodist hospital workers stage walkout over vaccine requirement (They won't take the vaccine - but they will give it?!) * PICS: Shocking Live Blood Analysis After Vax - Look! * VIDEO: Whats in your vaccine? * VIDEO: CDC removes 150K deaths from VAERS system - VACCINE GENOCIDE!! * VIDEO: Facebook Whistleblowers Expose LEAKED INTERNAL DOCS * As Drug Makers Set Sights on Vaccinating 5-Year-Olds, Latest VAERS Data Show Number of Injuries, Deaths Continues to Climb * CDC to Convene Emergency Meeting on 226 Reports of Heart Inflammation After COVID Vaccine in People Under 30 * VIDEO: The “U.S. Supply Deal with Merck is a “Colossal Waste of Taxpayer Money for a Drug We Don’t Need” * VIDEO: MURDERED ? Brandy Vaughan Anti-Vaccination Activist Found Dead * Massachusetts Bill Seeks to Strip Parental Rights and Track Vaccination Data
  6. ARTICLE STACK FOR 06-09-21 VIDEO: Covid Vaccine Less Than 1% Effective?! * WOW!! VIDEO: OSHA Turns Blind Eye To Vaccine Injury * VIDEO: Everyone Injected by 2022 before trial ends BORIS JOHNSON (They need to speed this up because they know what's going to happen in the next 18 mos to all those they vaccinated) * Vaccine vs Virus: Fatalities Skyrocket as COVID Vaccines Increase * Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death * WHY SO FEW ARTICLES THIS WEEK? - MEDIA BLACKOUT? * Poll: 64 Percent of Voters Believe Parents, Not Governments Should Decide on Child Vaccination * VIDEO: CBBC Evil Newsround Vaccine Propaganda
  7. ARTICLE STACK FOR 06-02-21  VIDEO: What The Satanic Government Admits About The Evil Convid Jab - Dont Get It!!!!! * VIDEO: Convid Vaccine Trials Stopped Immediately Because All The Animals Were Dying! * VIDEO: The Biggest Protest Yet - Please Share Because You Know Msm Won't Mention It * VIDEO: Massive: World Renowned Doctor Blows Lid Off Of Covid Vaccine * VIDEO: Heart Inflammation In Youth Recently Vaxxed * THOUSANDS Of Americans Catching Covid After Being Fully Vaccinated (IOW - It was never about the pandemic and always about THE VACCINE!) * What did Bill Gates' grandfather do during the Spanish Flu? * VIDEO: Impact of COVID Vaccinations on Mortality (More deaths AFTER being vaccinated) * VIDEO: Youth don’t need adult permission to get vaccinated, experts say * Over 2,500 doses of COVID-19 vaccine (on age 12 and up) issued at pop-up clinic held at Toronto city hall * VIDEO: Nanotechnology: Hacking Humans, Its Potential, and Real Risks (And this is IN the vaccine?!) * VIDEO: Lefties make ‘handbrake U-turn’: Yesterday's COVID-19 ‘conspiracy theory’ is now ‘perfectly feasible * VIDEO: Doctor Says 'We've Made A BIG MISTAKE With Vaccine' * COVID deaths plunge after major world city introduces ivermectin
  8. ARTICLE STACK FOR 05-26-21  VIDEO: COVID Vaccinated People Within 2 Years * VIDEO: The New Nuremberg Trials 2021 * VIDEO: The Race To Inject Children With Covid Vaccine * VIDEO: Heartbreaking message from Pfizer vaccine victim Angelia Gipson Desselle * Mix and match your jabs: South Korea kicks off trial mixing AstraZeneca and Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines * SCIENCE promotes VIOLENCE: Journal “Nature” calls for violent arrest of anyone who won’t accept injections containing mercury, human abortion cells, and cell-altering mRNA sequences * ONE child dies and Peloton recalls its ENTIRE line of treadmills – yet when thousands of children die from vaccines, there’s no recall, no lawsuits and no government oversight * More Polio Caused by Vaccine Than Wild Virus – WHO Confirms * Meet your automated, totalitarian medical police state future: Johns Hopkins demands AI robots and drones enforce covid vaccine war against humanity * BOMBSHELL: Gates Foundation, DARPA funding self-replicating, weaponized vaccine technology that began under Apartheid, to exterminate Blacks… and now it’s powering the covid vax * Bombshell Salk Institute science paper reveals the covid spike protein is what’s causing deadly blood clots… and it’s in all the covid vaccines (by design) * BOMBSHELL: Connecticut govt. secretly tells health care workers COVID vaccines are DEADLY, but withholds the same information from the public * VIDEO: US Companies Backtracking on Mandatory Jabs: Don't Want to Pay for Damaged Employees * VIDEO: Pfizer leak, Too Late To Save Anyone Injected With The Vaccines * VIDEO: Remove Informed Parental Consent * VIDEO: Magnets sticking to people thta got the vaccine! (I wonder if you left the magnet on if it would drawn the heavy metals out? Give it a shot! (pun intended) * VIDEO: COVID-19 is a bio-weapon and Fauci is the creator * VIDEO: French Nobel Prize winning virologist says the vaccine is making people sick and more vulnerable * VIDEO: 87,000 Nurses Refuse C-19 Vaccine - Dr. Elke De Klerk, the founder of Doctors for Truth! * VIDEO: the Vaxxed are Infected w Nanoparticles? * C.D.C. Is Investigating a Heart Problem in a Few Young Vaccine Recipients * BREAKING: Facebook Whistleblowers Expose LEAKED INTERNAL DOCS Detailing New Effort to Secretly Censor Vaccine Concerns on a Global Scale * 18 Cases of Heart Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccination Reported in Connecticut * VIDEO: Prominent physician: Don't get a COVID shot * Another governor signs law banning Critical Race Theory in schools
  9. ARTICLE STACK FOR 05-19-21  WOW!! CDC Admits: More Dead from COVID-19 Vaccine Than ALL Vaccines From Last 20 Years Combined (Orig Source) * VIDEO: This is the room where they wait 15 mins after the jab to watch each other collapsing (Instead of stopping the "vaccine" they just wisk off the dying) * VIDEO: Brave Nurse Reveals the Pfizer & Moderna Adverse Events Cases & FDA Briefing Documents * VIDEO: FDA will not Authorize or Approve any Covid-19 Vaccine * VIDEO: AstraZeneca Changed the Name of their Vaccine to Vexzevria * VIDEO: Gravitas: What is Black Fungus or Mucormycosis? * VIDEO: Justin Trudeau - Covid Booster Shot Deal with Pfizer until 2024 (All this for a “virus” that is 99.997% survivable for the young and 94.6% survivable for the old! UPDATE: Only 6% died of Covid!!) * VIDEO: Compilation of Officials Saying Vaccines Kill & Sterilize - Honest, Freudian Slips, or Mistakes? * VIDEO: Pharmacist Shows Blank J&J Covid 19 Vaccine Insert * GENOCIDE in the U.S. Continues: 3,848 DEATHS 118,902 Injuries Following COVID Injections – Children Now being Reported as Dying Also * LA County Sheriff Going Home to Home Forcibly Injecting Handicapped Adults and Children with COVID-19 Shots Against Their Will * VIDEO: Metal In The Vaccines * VIDEO: "The World engaged in the largest vaccine trial ever" - Australian Health Minister. Who consented?!! * VIDEO: Stupid Parents Almost Kill their Child with a Covid Jab!!!!! * German vaccine tsar: everyone may need a third dose next year * VIDEO: UK Government Forcing Head Teachers To Put 'On A List' The Name Of Parents Who Don't Want To Vaccinate Their Children Or Have Them Wear A Mask! * VIDEO: Interesting Population Forecasts For 2025 (reupload) (I recall seeing this years ago - it appears plausible now - they plan to kill 2/3 of people in USA by 2025) * VIDEO: Woman says 100% of the patients in her local hospital COVID Ward over the past 2 months are vaxxed * VIDEO: WOW! Most vaccinate nation is now the sickest! Notice graph #1 and 2 * VIDEO: COVID-19 Vaccine Safety System Gaps May Miss Unexpected Side Effects, Experts Say (The AMA purposely shut down the side effects system) * VIDEO: Dr Tenpenny: the mRNA shot is deadly, in 42 days to a year out, a large number of people will die from auto immune disease * VIDEO: Covid "V Deaths" - The Numbers Don’t Lie * CDC admits: More than 220 people have died with COVID-19 after getting fully vaccinated (Actually more die of the Vaccine than the virus!) * Reports Indicate Vaccines Causing More Injuries, Deaths Than Natural COVID-19 Infections * MIT study finds anti-maskers 'trust science' more than others * COVID cases in India drop after government promotes 'Trump drugs' * Rock superstar rips vaccine 'propaganda' after 'disastrous reaction' to COVID shot
  10. ARTICLE STACK FOR 05-12-21  VIDEO: 8 Ways mRNA COVID Vaccines Can Kill You - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny * VIDEO: Independently Verified: Some Covid Test Swabs Leave Spikes Impaling Flesh (People need to start protesting HOSPTIALS!) * VIDEO: Get the Covid JAB and Win a Tesla CAR * Why COVID Vaccines Are Dream Come True for Central Banks * Past vaccine disasters show why rushing a coronavirus vaccine now would be ‘colossally stupid’ * GAO: Military anthrax shots caused many reactions, prompted some pilots to quit (85% got sick!) * VIDEO: Victim of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 gene altering injection (Instead of getting the jab and then making a video - why not watch the videos first and then DON'T get the jab?) * VIDEO: Seychelles - World’s Most-Vaccinated Nation Activates COVID Curbs as Cases Rise! NWO JAB FAIL! * Israel: Why Is All-Cause Mortality Increasing? * VIDEO: Dr Palevsky Explains The Death Jab * VIDEO: Someone keels over (on camera) right after receiving The Vaccine * Extinction of the Human Species? Harvard (Jesuit) Researchers Say Not to Panic Over Declining Sperm Counts * VIDEO: Covid vaccines affect fertility and warns not to be in company of vaccinated sheeple * VIDEO: Large Percentage of Frontline Workers Refuse Covid "Vaccine" -- Find Out Why (Up to 60% of Doctors and nurses refuse the vaccine) * VIDEO: Saagar Enjeti: New Details REVEAL Fauci, Media Coverup Of Lab Leak Hypothesis * VIDEO: U.S. children ages 12 to 15 could begin COVID-19 vaccinations Thursday (MOM, DAD - DON'T DO IT!) * Scientists are working on vaccines that spread like a disease. What could possibly go wrong? (Just breathe deeply - you've been vaccinated! BTW - it was prophesied * 'Pretty awful': Healthy 17-year-old boy gets blood clots in brain after COVID vaccine
  11. ARTICLE STACK FOR 05-05-21  VIDEO: If you thought COVID-19 was this! (He knows the vaccinated will start dying en masse - as planned) * VIDEO: BOMBSHELL! A Must Watch!!! Nurse In Halifax Breaks Her Silence! * Pfizer seeks EU approval for children to have its vaccine (Why?) * VIDEO: They're Taking Out Everybody * VIDEO: TakeTheVaccine EXPOSED * VIDEO: 5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bioweapons and Discuss What to do About It * VIDEO: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny warns that once you're Vaccinated * VIDEO: Dr. Harvey Risch: 60% of New Covid Patients Have Been Vaccinated * Baptist "Pastor" dies after worshiping and pushing Moderna’s experimental vaccine protocol (According to Scripture, she is not a pastor) * VIDEO: Miscarriages Up 322% Since February * VIDEO: 5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bioweapons and Discuss What to do About It * VIDEO: Indian villagers don"t want to take vaccine nor to get tested (They know the vaccine is killing people) * VIDEO: Get The JAB or be Charged With Reckless Endangerment (This is exactly how they will enforce Sunday Laws) * More than 500 people admitted to hospital with coronavirus after getting vaccinated * VIDEO: Doctor Refuses To Accept Vaccinated Patients * VIDEO: Could Vaccines Make Covid-19 Worse? * Facebook deletes 120,000-member group where people posted stories of alleged adverse vaccine reactions * Amount of aluminum in infant vaccines ‘akin to a lottery,’ researchers say
  12. ARTICLE STACK FOR 04-28-21  Johns Hopkins University confirms: You can be vaccinated with a PCR test, even without knowing * VIDEO: (GRAPHIC LANGUAGE) "PCR Swab Test Cancer Alert" * VIDEO: Stay Away from Vaxxed People | Nurse Warns * VIDEO: Vaccine Injury : Angelia Deselle - Pfizer Shot * 'Vampire facials' salon owner arrested after beauty salon customers contract HIV * VIDEO: 33-Year-Old Woman Paralyzed After Pfizer Vaccine * VIDEO: Messenger RNA COVID vaccines likely safe for pregnant women, study says (Now they can cripple or kill 2 people with one shot) * Merck vaccine fraud exposed by two Merck virologists; company faked mumps vaccine efficacy results for over a decade, says lawsuit (Pass a law to remove Dr liability - people simply die en masse) * Norway: Death risk from AstraZeneca higher than of Covid-19 (The "vaccine" is killing more people than Covid19 is) * OPEN LETTER from Lyndon Medical Clinic * VIDEO: WARNING!! From an Unvaccinated Person in IsraelVIDEO: Watch "How Dr. David Chesler saves his nursing home residents from COVID-19" on YouTube * VIDEO: Bill Gates Partners With DARPA & Department of Defense For New DNA Nanotech COVID19 Vaccine! * CDC: Fully Vaccinated People Should Wear Masks in Certain Settings, Avoid Large Gatherings (So why get vaccinated?) * China Criticizes Peru Ex-President for Coronavirus Case Despite (being vaccinated with) Chinese-Made Vaccine * VIDEO: Brazil forced jab - RIP Old Man Now You are Free (The amount of sheeple is overwhelming now) * VIDEO: COVID-19 Side Effects And Deaths The Medical Mafia Controlled Media Won't Show You * VIDEO: Geert Vanden Bossche PhD Send Urgent call to WHO.. Time to Switch Gears
  13. ARTICLE STACK FOR 04-21-21 5,800 Fully Vaccinated Americans Have Contracted COVID-19, 74 Dead: CDC * Thousands of People Got Infected With COVID-19 Despite Getting Fully Vaccinated * VIDEO: There Are 150 More Vaccines Coming * VIDEO: Vaccine Side Effects Force Suburban School District to Close * VIDEO: Display Board in Ireland. COVID 19 PLANDEMIC * VIDEO: 2 Year Old Girl Dies After Being Given Two Covid Shots! * VIDEO: Herpes infection possibly linked to COVID-19 vaccine, study says (6 people so far got Herpes after the jab - WHY are people still getting vaccinated?!) * 43-year-old father of 7 paralyzed, can't talk 3 hours after receiving COVID-19 vaccine * 22 in Chicago Nursing Homes Tested Positive for COVID-19 After Vaccination
  14. ARTICLE STACK FOR 04-14-21 Ex-Pfizer Vice-President: COVID-19 Vaccines to Cause “Mass Depopulation” Event Within 2 years (And yes, they will use this man-made disaster to "lockdown" and kill even more by claiming a newPLANdemic) * People who have received both doses for cv19 vac are making up 60-70% of current hospitalisations * Why the UK changed covid-19 AstraZeneca vaccine advice for under-30s (Blood clots!) * Factory Mix-Up Ruins Up to 15 Million Vaccine Doses From Johnson & Johnson (That's only the ones they know about) * VIDEO: Arrest Bill Gates * Second Vaccination Site Halts Operations After Adverse Reactions to Johnson & Johnson Vaccine * Pfizer requests U.S. emergency use for its COVID-19 vaccine in kids aged 12-15 (And because truth is censored - many kids will die) * Australia to push ahead with AstraZeneca vaccine rollout despite new blood clot concerns * DMX Received Covid Vaccine Days Before Heart Attack – Family Says NO DRUGS! (He got the "vaccine" so he could travel - 1 week later he was dead) * CCP Virus Variant Affects Vaccinated People More Than Unvaccinated People: Study * VIDEO: NEW COVID VACCINE BLOOD CLOTTING CONCERNS (It is now CONFIRMED - the "Vaccine" is in fact killing people) * A&E departments swamped with patients with AstraZeneca vaccine side-effects * VIDEO: You're NOT allowed to question the Vaccine! (They're hiding SCARY facts!) * U.S. investigating woman's death after she got COVID vaccination
  15. We see nothing alarming,’ says Norwegian drugs regulator, after 13 deaths linked to Pfizer vaccine jabs (1 death is alarming! - But Jesus did say the love of many shall wax cold)
  16. 13 Israelis suffer FACIAL PARALYSIS after taking Pfizer Covid jab, but NO LINK to vaccination found (Since the "Dr's" have been lying all along - one more lie is no surprise)
  17. UK records big rise in blood clots after AstraZeneca COVID vaccine
  18. VIDEO: My Story We Need To Ask Questions Dad Died After Vaccine
  19. VIDEO: Another fake vaccination viral video (Politicians know not to get the vaccine)
  20. Britain identifies 30 cases of blood clots after AstraZeneca vaccine
  21. Facebook 'corrects' woman's complaint vaccine 'is killing me,' then she dies
  22. European Union: COVID-19 vaccine has 'clear association' with brain blood clots
  23. DO NOT SIGN THIS PETITION! (If you do, they will know YOU are against the vaccine)
  24. "They've killed God; I can't feel God; My soul is dead" AstraZeneca halts COVID-19 vaccine trials after second volunteer "develops neurological problems"
  25. WHY are they "vaccinating" the young and healthy?
  26. Germany and Canada suspend AstraZeneca vaccine over safety concerns
  27. Notice how they do NOT mention all the people that DIED
  29. More fatal blood clots tied to AstraZeneca vaccine in Germany
  30. Pfizer to begin testing Covid jabs on babies to see if they are safe for children (And the parents are ok with this?!)
  31. Thousands take action opposing COVID vaccines developed with fetal cells (Only "thousands"?!)
  32. VIDEO: Terrible Covid Vaccine Reactions! - Please Share! (Who can EVER trust a Doctor again?!)
  33. Blood clots & one death reported after hospital staffers take AstraZeneca vaccine 
  34. Georgian nurse dies of allergic reaction after receiving Astra-Zeneca Covid-19 vaccine, Tbilisi to continue rollout of British jab
  35. Denmark reports a death and a critical illness after 2 AstraZeneca vaccinations, prompting more reviews
  36. VIDEO: Two Danish patients have brain hemorrhages following AstraZeneca shot (Yet they still keep giving shots)
  37. WOW! Europe’s Vaccine Trolley Crash (The analogy is dead on! (no pun intended)
  38. VIDEO: Italy opens manslaughter case after teacher dies hours after getting AstraZeneca vaccine
  39. Norwegian experts say deadly blood clots were caused by the AstraZeneca covid vaccine
  40. COVID-19: Anyone with headache for more than four days after Oxford-AstraZeneca jab should seek medical attention, says UK regulator
  41. VIDEO: ‘Vaccine Secrets’: What Parents Should Know Before They Vaccinate Their Kids
  42. Virologist: ‘We Are Going to Pay Huge Price’ for COVID Mass Vaccination Campaign (The AMA knows this - but the $$$ is their god)
  43. 97 PAGES of people that have died of the vaccine so far (Yet they STILL say it's safe?! (If they delete it, it's on my server here)
  44. The non-vaccine 'vaccine': Is it really safe? * Norwegian doctor claims to find link between AstraZeneca vaccine, rare blood clots
  45. COVID prevention an alternative to vaccines
  46. VIDEO: Frightening data regarding COVID-19 vaccine
  47. Moderna becomes first to start trialing Covid-19 jab on kids aged 6 months to 11 years (Please pray for these children)
  48. WHO reviews AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine as more countries suspend use of jab (It's like putting a stop sign in an intersection after many already died)
  49. VIDEO: Gravitas: Pfizer's abusive vaccine deals
  50. VIDEO: Does the AstraZeneca vaccine cause blood clots?
  51. VIDEO: Trump: COVID Vaccine Is ‘a Great Vaccine, it’s a Safe Vaccine,’ and I ‘Recommend It
  52. The Moderna COVID vaccine is now being tested on young children (They DO know about side effects - they DON'T know how to stop them - Yet they keep jabbing people?)
  53. 'Blood clots': Major European nations suspend COVID-19 vaccine
  54. VIDEO: Denmark, Norway suspend AstraZeneca vaccine over blood clot fears
  55. Ireland suspends AstraZeneca Covid vaccine over blood clot concerns
  56. VIDEO: Trojan Horse Vaccine Virus - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
  57. VIDEO: Boxing Legend Marvin Hagler DEAD HOURS AFTER VACCINE
  58. VIDEO: Dr John Coleman ex Mi6 dont take the vaccine
  60. VIDEO: Vaccine Lunacy
  61. Marvin Hagler died “in an ICU fighting the effects of the vaccine"
  62. YouTube Blacklists 30,000 Videos It Claims Are Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Misinformation’ (I am one the many they censored)
  63. 3 hospitalized for 'unusual symptoms' after taking new COVID vaccine (Mengele would be proud)
  64. Boxing legend suddenly dies shortly after getting vaccine
  65. People are dropping like files after getting the vaccine! (Strange site format - scroll up to see the HUGE list)
  66. VIDEO: People Are Dropping Dead Like Flies In Israhell Immediately After Taking The Hoaxid Vaccine
  67. Coronavirus in the UK: Regulator urges people to get Astrazeneca vaccine after Denmark suspends rollout (Too many people dying?)
  68. Police can remove underware - to enable vaccination (See section 1 (d))
  69. VIDEO: Psaki: Biden Will Direct States to Ensure All Adults Eligible for Vaccine by May 1 (All this for a “virus” that is 99.997% survivable for the young and 94.6% survivable for the old!)
  70. 'VIDEO: Healthy' mom, 39, dies 4 days after 2nd dose of COVID vaccine
  71. VIDEO: "Health Minister" Greg Hunt 'not in a good way' and out of action for at least a fortnight (Happened directly after getting the Vaccine)
  72. Video: You'll Never Guess What's In The Tests 
  73. VIDEO: School children in Africa run from forced vaccines (Africa is where a LOT of the children die from vaccines - They know what's up!)
  74. Poll: 41% Say They Are Not Willing to Receive a Coronavirus Vaccine (I would think it's more than 41%)
  75. VIDEO: (old news) they have been giving children flu shots even after parents said DON'T DO IT!
  76. VIDEO: Project Veritas: Mark Zuckerberg Expressed Concern About ‘Modifying DNA and RNA
  77. VIDEO: Katie Price's Son Rushed To Hospital After Jab
  78. VIDEO: 60 year old man dies after receiving Covid vaccine - 25 January, 2021
  79. Chuck Schumer: Combating Climate Change Will Be a ‘Whole of Senate Approach’ (Easy to do with a super majority)
  80. Tanzanian President Promotes Steam to Fight Coronavirus, Warns ‘Vaccines Are Not Good’
  81. VIDEO: Covid Vaccine Reactions Rise Worldwide
  82. American dies hours after COVID vaccine
  83. Hundreds sent to emergency room after getting COVID-19 vaccines
  84. VIDEO: Patient dies in Placer County after receiving COVID-19 vaccine
  85. VIDEO: THEY ADMIT some people will die from the vaccine (They actually said "We are not alarmed by this" Why isn't ONE DEATH alarming?)
  86. California pauses large batch of COVID vaccines after multiple allergic reactions 
  87. Biden to activate FEMA, National Guard as part of plan to vaccinate Americans
  88. Norway sounds alarm over vaccine shots for the elderly
  89. VIDEO: The Future of Vaccines
  90. VIDEO: Ingredients of one of the vaccines fetal cells used
  91. VIDEO: 23 die in Norway after receiving Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine: officials
  92. German specialists probing 10 deaths of people vaccinated against Covid-19
  93. VIDEO: Dr. Carrie Madej - Human 2.0 A Wake Up Call To The World
  94. Norway sounds alarm over vaccine shots for the elderly
  95. Biden to activate FEMA, National Guard as part of plan to vaccinate Americans
  96. California urges stop to 300K vaccines after some fall ill
  97. VIDEO: Vaccine Injury Video Deleted From Facebook 13th Jan 2021 - Shawn Skelton COVID from Oakland City, In
  98. VIDEO: Dutch Doctor explains RNA/DNA and the vaccine
  99. Remember This? Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered
  100. A Nursing Home had Zero Coronavirus Deaths. Then, It Vaccinates Residents for Coronavirus and the Deaths Begin
  101. Country's top health official: Accept COVID vaccine or end up on this list (They're perfecting the "list" for when the mark is enforced)
  102. Study: Bill Gates' DTP vaccine killed 10 times more African girls than the disease itself
  103. Hundreds sent to emergency room after getting COVID-19 vaccines
  104. Biden preparing to accelerate distribution of COVID-19 vaccine (Before getting the Vaccine - watch this)
  105. Iran Using Cubans as Guinea Pigs for Coronavirus Vaccine Experiment
  106. Report: North Korea, Which Claims Zero Coronavirus Cases, Requests Vaccines (Why? They know what's in it will help to control the people)
  107. Lawmakers consider plan to vaccinate residents by force
  108. VIDEO: Severe allergic reactions reported in the US after getting COVID-19 vaccine, but CDC says cases are rare (Rare?! Just ONE bad reaction should mean DO NOT VACCINATE)
  109. VIDEO: (MUST SEE) Ask The Experts (Covid-19 Vaccine) – Now Banned on YouTube and Facebook
  110. Death of Elderly Swede After Coronavirus Vaccination Referred for Possible Investigation
  111. Over 40 West Virginians mistakenly given antibody treatment instead of COVID-19 vaccine
  112. VIDEO: Italy Blows the Lid Off Vaccine Scam. Will No Longer Poison Citizens with Globalist Eugenics
  113. VIDEO: Dr Vernon Coleman "URGENT News about the Covid-19 Vaccine
  114. VIDEO: Sick kids parents asked to sign Do Not Resuscitate orders if they get COVID
  115. VIDEO: (GRAPHIC Language) Child vaccinated at school WITHOUT her parent's knowledge
  116. VIDEO: Nurse Erin Olszewski Willing to Risk Everything to Expose "COVID" Deaths Caused by Malpractice in NY
  117. VIDEO: Nurse after she took the vaccination 
  118. VIDEO: Tiffany Dover confirmed dead from vaccine
  119. VIDEO: what makes something real for u? (Well said!)
  120. Doctor reports suffering severe reaction moments after getting Moderna COVID vaccine
  121. Adventist Health Hanford begins vaccinating employees against COVID-19
  122. VIDEO: Nurse Collapses on Television Minutes After Receiving Covid Vaccine (New info)
  123. Catholic bishops 'cowering to Big Pharma' in vaccine advisory (How is it "cowering" when they are confirmed to be in business together?)
  124. VIDEO: The CDC Just Issued ANOTHER Warning About COVID Vaccine
  125. VIDEO: Nurse collapses live on TV after getting vaccine and a doctor gets a FAKE (empty) vaccine shot!
  126. Twitter says it will remove all posts claiming vaccines can harm people
  127. World Economic Forum Wants Government, Central Banks, Big Business to Help ‘Vaccinate the World
  128. Health-care worker hospitalized for serious allergic reaction to coronavirus vaccine
  129. Vaccine campaign gets under way
  130. The FDA Just Warned About These 13 COVID Vaccine Side Effects
  131. US panel endorses widespread use of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
  132. VIDEO: Netherlands Filing Lawsuit Against COVID, Just a Normal Flu
  133. Cornell vaccine mandate only applies to white students
  134. Pfizer vaccine to get official nod from FDA, vaccinations could start Monday, says HHS secretary
  135. VIDEO: Pfizer vaccine trial participant: the second dose caused a ‘fever of 104.9 degrees
  136. Pope plans to posion the homeless with vaccines in his area
  137. Survey: Majority of FDNY Firefighters Would Not Get Coronavirus Vaccine
  138. Cornell U. Offers Exemption to Mandatory Flu Vaccine Policy for ‘BIPOC’ Students (Yet white Students must be vaccinated?)
  139. Institute lists COVID vaccines that rely on aborted baby cells ("several used abortion-derived cell lines in laboratory testing")
  140. Doctors warn CDC to tell public about side effects of COVID vaccines, number of doses needed (They ADMIT dose #1 will get you sick!)
  141. How COVID-19 Vaccine Can Destroy Your Immune System
  142. Doctors Warn Side Effects From COVID-19 Vaccine "Won't Be A Walk In The Park"
  143. Can Your Employer Force You to Get the COVID Vaccine? It's Complicated
  144. COVID vaccine hype fails to mention critical point
  145. VIDEO: How a Virus Works
  146. Doctors: CDC should warn side effects from COVID vaccine won't be 'a walk in the park'
  147. VIDEO: This is the Video (about the Vaccine) that YouTube deleted and then BANNED me from using YouTube for one week
  148. Top Virologist: “The Worst Thing You Can Do is Make the Vaccine Compulsory
  149. VIDEO: Heres What The Vaccine Will Do To You (Start watching at 8:00 - They named the System TIBERIUS! )
  150. Moderna’s Coronavirus Vaccine 95% Effective in Clinical Trial (And we should believe the media?)
  151. COVID Censorship: 80 Per Cent of Brits Back Criminalising ‘Anti-Vax’ Posts
  152. UK PM Meets With Bill Gates To Discuss Implementing ‘Global’ Vaccine Program (Just remember: My Body! My Choice! - If they can use it, so can we)
  153. A Bill to not only vaccinate children 11 years old and up, the Bill seeks to make it legal to hide the vaccination from the parents!
  154. $66,600 fine and 5 Years in Prison if you refuse the Covid Vaccine
  155. $66K for a coporation and $13,320 per individual
  156. VIDEO: Mandated Vaccinations, Get Ready To Say "NO!"
  157. Storing medical information below the skin’s surface (The bioluminesence ink they use is called Luciferase)
  158. FYI: Will we be forced to take a COVID vaccine?
  159. VIDEO: What doctors don’t know about the drugs they prescribe (Still want to ge a Vaccine?!)
  160. VIDEO: Media Won’t Mention this Historic Speech EXPOSING GLOBAL PLANS FOR POPULATION - R.F Kennedy Jr.
  161. FBI Chief: Chinese, Russian Hackers Pose ‘Very, Very Real Threat’ to Vaccine Research (Just another reason to say NO!)
  162. VIDEO: CDC unveils coronavirus vaccine distribution plan (My Body! My Choice!)
  163. VIDEO: AstraZeneca proceeding after 'unexplained illness' scare halted COVID vaccine trial
  164. VIDEO: Dr. Carrie Madej 'Human 2.0' A Wake-Up Call to the World (When you get to the end think about the Georgia Gudestones) 
  165. VIDEO: Unmasking the Truth About a Second COVID Wave and the Vaccine (ENTIRE VIDEO)
  166. U.N. forced to admit Gates-funded vaccine is causing polio outbreak in Africa
  167. Big Pharma Rakes in Billions from U.S. Taxpayers for Coronavirus Vaccine
  168. Breitbart Still Suspended From Twitter After Viral HCQ Video; Doctor Gets Axe Over Involvement
  169. Ohio Board of Pharmacy Reverses Rule, Okays Hydroxychloroquine After Governor’s Request (IOW: No vaccine needed)
  170. AMA seeks to change our DNA using Covid Vaccine!
  171. VIDEO: America's Frontline Doctors Address C V Misinformation At Scotus Press Conference
  172. VIDEO: [ BEWARE! ] "Everyone Should Know This Before It's Too Late" - We are all In trouble
  173. VIDEO: ABORTED FETAL CELLS IN VACCINES (When the Dr says you don't know what you're talking about. Show him this video)
  174. VIDEO: HUMAN DNA Aborted Fetus Cells Injected Into Your Kids/Top Vaccine Developer Dr. Plotkin (Deposition)
  175. Vaccine Ingredients (This is the Government's CDC website!)
  176. Vaccine Excipent Summary (INGREDIENTS)
  177. VIDEO: Make This Go Viral!!!! Another Doctor Exposed Bill Gates Wicked Agenda On Depopulation of the World
  178. They are seeking to change DNA using the Covid vaccine!
  179. VIDEO: WOW!!!!This Doctor Exposed Bill Gates Wicked Agenda!!!!Share As Much As You Can!!!
  180. VIDEO: Do Vaccines Cause Autism?
  181. All COVID vaccines using aborted-baby stem cells, group  warns
  182. VIDEO: We Have Undercover Footage" - The Media DOSEN'T Want This Out!
  183. Italian lawmaker demands Bill Gates be investigated for ‘crimes against humanity’... But WHY? (as a "vaccine criminal")
  184. Bill Gates admits that 700,000 people will be harmed or killed by his coronavirus vaccines
  185. VIDEO: [URGENT] "They Will Delete This Immediately!" Dr. Rashid Buttar
  186. Thousands of Germans protest lockdown and vaccine plan by Bill Gates
  187. VIDEO: FORCED Vaccinations: "You Have NO RIGHT to NOT be Vaccinated" Alan Dershowitz
  188. New Jersey Gov. Murphy: We ‘Cannot Firmly Enter the New Normal’ Without a Vaccine
  189. VIDEO: Plandemic Part 1 Dr Judy Mikovits
  190. VIDEO: Donald Trump: We’re Mobilizing Military to Distribute Future Coronavirus Vaccine
  191. Oregon House passes bill removing religious, philosophical exemptions for vaccines (Not going to work with obedient Christians)
  192. Jesuit Pope is Pushing for Covid-19 VACCINE
  193. VIDEO: The TRUTH about Vaccines 2020
  194. An Invisible Quantum Dot 'Tattoo' Could Be Used to ID Vaccinated Kids
  195. VIDEO: This is why Bill Gates started a "Vaccine Organization" 21 years ago - this is also why we suddenly have a supposed need for vaccines
  196. VIDEO: ALERT! Pandemic is Planned! Bill Gates ID2020 Exposed!
  197. Robert F Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates' Vaccine Dictatorship Plan - cites Gates' twisted 'Messiah Complex'
  198. VIDEO: The National Plan to Vaccinate Every American
  199. Chickenpox vaccine reactivates in two boys, causing rare meningitis more commonly seen in unvaccinated kids
  200. VIDEO: Top Doctor EXPOSES EVERYTHING The Deep State Is Trying To Hide About CV
  201. Vaccines now being used to harvest biometric identities of everyone; Big Brother merges with Big Pharma
  202. video ~ Important Vaccine Message
  203. AMA INSANITY: WARNING!!! VIDEO: Vaccines and Their Role in Triggering Autism
  204. Vaccines safe? Stunning number of Americans doubt it
  205. HuffPo to Delete Jim Carrey, Jenny McCarthy, and Other Anti-Vaccine Posts
  206. video ~ AGENDA 21 - They Are Killing People
  207. video ~ AGENDA 21- Destroying the lives of people
  208. BIG FARMA: VIDEO: Ghost in the Machine: Lies, Denial, Deceit and Manipulative ‘Research’
  209. New York City tickets 12 people for defying measles vaccination order
  210. Health pros: De Blasio's forced vaccinations abuse of power
  211. Anti-vax movement declared a top-10 health threat of 2019: WHO
  212. Vatican encourages parents to vaccinate children with vaccines made from the cells of aborted babies!
  213. AMA PUSHBACK: Dr. Peter Hotez: “Snuff Out” Anti-Vaccine Movement
  214. AMA PUSH BACK: VIDEO: Free Speech and Shutting Down the Vaccine Debate
  215. FYI: Vaccines Cause Lupus
  216. video ~ Vaccines The True Weapons Of Mass Destruction
  217. Facebook steps up fight against (so called) vaccine misinformation
  218. Should we sacrifice freedom for vaccine 'safety'?
  219. Vaccines and Autism: Expert Exposes DOJ Vaccine Fraud
  220. Concerns over vaccine-autism link persist despite official denials
  221. video Interesting Video #8 - Whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits -- Vaccines Clearly Exposed 
  222. video Tennessee U.S. Rep.-elect Mark Green alleges vaccines may cause autism, questions CDC data
  223. China Vaccine Scandal: Total Number of Faulty Vaccine Doses Up to Nearly 1M
  224. video Australia to fine parents who don't vaccinate children
  225. Lawsuit Proves HHS Hasn't Filed Required Vaccine Safety Reports with Congress IN 30 YEARS
  226. video BREAKING: Lawsuit Exposes Vaccine Immunity Fraud by HHS
  227. Court Ruling Confirms Gardasil Vaccine Kills People. Scientific Evidence Beyond Any Reasonable Doubt. So Where Is the Outcry?
  228. College student with measles had been vaccinated
  229. FDA announced that vaccines are causing autism
  230. Big Pharma's vaccines: Naked profit over safety
  231. The Peanut Allergy Epidemic is a MAN-MADE EPIDEMIC caused by vaccinations!
  232. How To Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations – For Adults and Children
  233. video Who Invented The Vaccine 
  234. Vaccination—Vatican's Medical Inquisition Revealed at Last!!
  235. video Victorian anti-vaxxers won't be allowed to enrol kids in childcare centres under new laws
  236. Michigan mom jailed over vaccine refusal: Don't give my son more shots
  237. Mumps Makes a Comeback, Even Among the Vaccinated
  238. VIDEO: Mother in vaccination fight loses primary custody of son
  239. Mother who refused to bring son”s vaccines to date gets 7 days in jail
  240. Mom facing jail over refusal to vaccinate son
  241. The global crackdown on parents who refuse vaccines for their kids has begun
  242. FYI: Refusal to Vaccinate Should Be a Hanging Offense?
  243. Pharma Giant’s Vaccines Had Glass In Them, But They Refuse Recall
  244. Feds plan to force vaccinations
  245. Glyphosate (Weed killer RoundUp) Found in Childhood Vaccines
  246. Calling the shots: State forces parents to sign vaccine docs
  247. video The Horrible Truth About Vaccines
  248. Big Pharma-CDC lie on vaccines
  249. Medical tyranny comes to Colorado: Law would demand names and addresses of unvaccinated children be registered with the state
  250. BREAKING: Robert De Niro was clearly threatened by the vaccine establishment to censor the VAXXED documentary from Tribeca... new details emerge
  251. video Colorado gears up to track unvaccinated kids
  252. Tattle-tale bill outs non-vaccinated kids to state
  253. CDC praises deadly HPV vaccines for kids
  254. video Ebola vaccine pioneer joked about use of genetically engineered virus to cull human population
  255. U.S. government admits vaccines are harmful to children
  256. CDC adds 3 more vaccines to Vax Schedule
  257. CDC Scientist Admits Destroying Evidence Linking Vaccines To Autism
  258. UK government admits swine flu vaccine causes brain damage, awards compensation to 60 families
  259. Compulsory Adult Vaccination bill signed into Law
  260. H.R.2232 - Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015
  261. Supreme Court Says Mandatory Vaccinations Don’t Violate Children’s Constitutional Rights
  262. Australian Government Prepares to Punish Parents who Don’t Vaccinate Children
  263. video CDC Chief Admits That Vaccines Cause Autism
  264. video Stunner! Whistleblower claims feds hiding vaccine-autism link
  265. video New proof vaccines for Pharma profit, not health 
  266. video ~ Former Merck Rep Says Mandatory Vaccination Is For Profit and Not Public Health
  267. California Now Wants to be First State to Mandate Adult Vaccines
  268. Autism link higher in vaccines using aborted fetal cells
  269. video Broward mom, accused of kidnapping girl to avoid vaccination, caught and jailed
  270. No Jab, No Pay reforms: Religious exemptions for vaccination dumped
  271. video Imperfect vaccines could make viruses more dangerous, at least in chickens
  272. Vaccines, government & Big Pharma's dirty money
  273. Press trusts government too much on vaccines
  274. video Kids given wrong vaccines at 'Shots for Tots
  275. Children Got Wrong Immunizations, Including Cervical Cancer Vaccine At Clinic
  276. Flu vaccine's link to narcolepsy explained by scientists
  277. State senator claims Vatican backs mandatory vaccination, because there are no fetal cells in vaccines
  278. California Assembly approves one of the toughest mandatory vaccination laws in the nation
  279. video Healthy Unvaccinated Child Gets Whooping Cough From Vaccinated Friends and Fully Recovers
  280. Government Wipes Recent Vaccine Injury Data from Website | Sharyl Attkisson
  281. Proven: American vaccines cause permanent brain damage
  282. Wait, what?! Gynecologist accidentally leaves mobile phone in patient following a C-section
  283. Depopulation test run? 75% of children who received vaccines in Mexican town now dead or hospitalized
  284. 2 babies die, 29 sickened from bad vaccines
  285. video My Body, My Choice! Why is vaccine coercion pushed by progressives? WOW!
  286. California senate committee passes bill to deny education to unvaccinated children
  287. video Mandatory Vaccinations Passed on Second Try
  288. 10 U.S. states now considering mandatory vaccination
  289. 'No jab, no pay': Australia to cut welfare for anti-vaccination parents
  290. Australia Enforces $15K Tax Penalty for Parents Who Don’t Vaccinate
  291. Abbott government withdraws childcare payments for anti-vaccination parents
  292. RFK Jr. decries 'holocaust' of forced vaccination
  293. Baker College Students told to 'threaten patients into vaccinations'
  294. California moves to ban vaccine exemptions
  295. Vaccinated children have up to 500% more disease than un-vaccinated children
  296. Atheist vaccine fanatics invoking Jesus to violate human rights for mandatory vaccine push
  297. International Memorial for Vaccine Victims
  298. Methodological issues and evidence of malfeasance in research purporting to show thimerosal in vaccines is safe
  299. More than 400 Washington foster parents object to flu shots
  300. video Mandatory-vaccine battle heats up amid new threat
  301. All Texans to Be Tracked Like Dogs Under New Vaccine Database Legislation
  302. California Infant Dies after 8 Vaccines, Family Gets Him Back from Hospital Cremated
  303. Vaccination suppression: Obama hides real numbers
  304. US Vaccine Campaign's Parallels to Nazi Eugenics WOW!
  305. Arizona cardiologist responds to critics regarding measles and vaccines
  306. Aborted Fetuses Found In Vaccines, Merck Confirms
  307. The Flu Scam website
  308. Parents of Vaccine-Injured Children Speak Out: 'The Guilt Is Huge
  309. Some doctors won't see patients with anti-vaccine views
  310. Medical mafia calling for gunpoint quarantines of citizens who refuse vaccinations
  311. Measles vaccines kill more than measles
  312. Woman Contracts Polio Virus ‘from Vaccinated Infant’
  313. video Do Vaccines Cause Autism?
  314. How vaccine hysteria could spark totalitarian nightmare
  315. VIDEO: Vaccinated patients among Disney measles cases
  316. Most Americans Who Got This Season's Flu Shot Could Get Sick Anyway
  317. With 97% Compliance Chicken Pox Vaccine Still Causes Outbreaks
  318. Whooping cough explodes in California as researchers admit vaccines are failing
  319. Teachers Are Being Mandated To Get the Flu Vaccine or Wear a Mask and Gloves (If everyone else is vaccinated, why the mask?)
  320. video Investigating Flu Vaccine Failure
  321. Whooping cough outbreak at Massachusetts high school affected only vaccinated students
  322. video Whooping cough back with vengeance in California (THEY ADMIT on second video that "20%" that get it WERE vaccinated!
  323. Chinese government suspends Hepatitis B vaccines after 8 horrific infant deaths
  324. video CDC Issues Flu Vaccine Apology
  325. 97% of kids with mumps in 09 were vaccinated for condition!
  326. Five seniors die in Georgia care center after receiving flu shot - report
  327. Mainstream media finally exposes secretive vaccine court
  328. video Mali Ebola Deaths Follow U.S. Vaccines
  329. Tetanus vaccines found spiked with sterilization chemical to carry out race-based genocide against Africans
  330. video Shocking Big Pharma secrets reveal cancer cover-up and drug deaths!
  331. video Pharma companies could exploit Ebola, but financing needed
  332. Study Links Autism to Vaccines Made With Cells From Aborted Babies
  333. Johns Hopkins Scientist Reveals Shocking Report on Flu Vaccines
  334. 15 Syrian children dead following UN measles vaccination campaign
  335. video Media conspiracy to bury CDC whistleblower story protects vaccine makers at the expense of human life
  336. 12-year-old Girl Dies Hours After She is Injected with HPV Vaccine
  337. video There's a Whistle Blower at the CDC
  338. White House Admits Staging Fake Vaccination Operation to Gather DNA From the Public
  339. 42% of Drug Reactions Are Vaccine Related 
  340. The Vaccine Hoax is OVER! Documents from the UK reveal 30 years of coverup
  341. Outbreaks PROOF that whooping cough Vaccines DON'T WORK
  342. video Mercury Level in Vaccines 25,000 times higher than EPA limits
  343. This ‘Misdirection Tactic’ is Used by Mainstream Media When Reporting Outbreaks
  344. Flu shot kills 19-year-old, but vaccine industry still has total immunity against lawsuits
  345. Gardasil to become 'greatest medical scandal of all time'
  346. Groundbreaking New Study: 42% of Drug Reactions are Vaccine Related
  347. Measles Outbreak Traced to Fully Vaccinated Patient for First Time
  348. Vaccine-Induced Tissue Scurvy Globally Misdiagnosed as Child Abuse
  349. video 90% of NYC Measles victims were vaccinated against it
  350. Reverse the damage done
  351. Reversing Vaccine Damage
  352. Supreme Court rejects vaccine lawsuit



OBAMAcare, obamaSCARE? or obamaCARELESS?

VIDEO: Growing numbers seek faith-based alternative to ObamaCare(Helps to avoid ObamaCare fines)

  1. Vaccine KILLS Clinical Trial Volunteer
  2. Trump Administration Asks Supreme Court to Invalidate Obamacare
  3. Planned Parenthood and ACLU sue to keep Abortion Costs Hidden in ObamaCare
  4. VIDEO: Young man scorches Biden on Obamacare, publicly asks, 'Were you lying to my dad?'
  5. New Trump rule makes it harder for Obamacare to fund abortion
  6. Unconstitutional: Court strikes Obamacare individual mandate
  7. Americans ‘Fleeing’ Obamacare Exchanges ‘Sky-High’ Premiums
  8. Justice Department Tells Court Obamacare Unconstitutional, Could Strike Down Entire Law
  9. Federal Court Blocks Trump Admin’s Religious Exemption for Obamacare Birth Control Mandate
  10. Texas Judge Rules Obamacare Unconstitutional
  11. video Florida surgeon mistakes woman’s healthy kidney for tumour, removes it
  12. WHAT?! Gov't goes behind parent's back to help boy become girl
  13. VIDEO: ObamaCare enrollment portal breached, data of 75,000 compromised, officials say
  14. Study: Deductibles Skyrocketing Under Obamacare
  15. Exclusive—Mike Kelly: ‘Dems Would Love to Run Away’ from Obamacare Ahead of Midterms
  16. Death Spiral: CBO Says Obamacare Premiums to Spike by 15 Percent in 2019
  17. Trump Administration Seeking Alternate Plans to Solve Spiking Obamacare Premiums
  18. States scrambling to avert Obamacare sticker shock after Dems balk at stabilization effort
  19. 20 States Sue Federal Government, Hoping to Repeal Obamacare ‘Once and for All’
  20. President Trump at CPAC: ‘Piece by Piece by Piece, Obamacare Is Being Wiped Out’
  21. Obamacare 'death panel' now gone (Wait!? I thought they said no death panels existed!)
  22. Senate Report: Obamacare and Medicaid Expansion Contributed to the Opioid Epidemic
  23. Emergency! Obamacare costs for 27-year-old nearly double
  24. Death Spiral: Obamacare Exchange Premiums to Spike by 38% in 2018
  25. People getting 'hammered' by Obamacare costs, analyst says
  26. Obama Administration Used Confidential Taxpayer Information to Push Obamacare
  27. Report: Obama used IRS to push Obamacare
  28. GOP Works Tirelessly to Help Illegal Aliens as Obamacare Premiums Spike 15 Percent
  29. The global crackdown on parents who refuse vaccines for their kids has begun
  30. video Insurers seeking huge premium hikes on ObamaCare plans
  31. McCaskill: There Are ‘Lots of Problems With Obamacare’ – Single-Party Health Legislation ‘Becomes a Gotcha Exercise’
  32. Trump administration suggests ending enforcement of Obamacare’s individual mandate
  33. Trump Asks Why Congress, Insurance Companies Are Exempt from Obamacare Failings
  34. Authoritarian Single-Payer System Led to Charlie Gard Situation
  35. Plan D? Trump ready to let Obamacare implode (so as to bring in a Socialist single pay system!)
  36. 19th Obamacare Co-Op Folds, Leaving Only 4 Operating in 2018
  37. Eureka! Every California Republican Votes to Replace Obamacare
  38. First US City Set To See Complete Obamacare Collapse
  39. Pelosi's call for Obamacare success stories backfires
  40. Pence Vows to End ‘Obamacare Nightmare’
  41. video Trump now owns Obamacare
  42. Don't look now, but Obamacare is being changed
  43. IRS softens on Obamacare mandate, as GOP wrestles with reform
  44. Where Obamacare stands now
  45. video Senate takes 1st major step to repeal Obamacare
  46. video 'Democrat-created disaster' Obamacare gets terminal diagnosis
  47. ObamaCare fallout MD Anderson cuts 1000 workers!
  48. Busted! Senate Dems attacking Trump's HHS pick also own health-care stocks
  49. Repealing Itself? Only Four of 24 Obamacare Co-Ops Remain Open
  50. Obamacare is 'entering a death spiral,' Paul Ryan says
  51. Obama moves for universal health care – in Bangladesh!
  52. After Subsidies, Many Young Singles Will Pay at Least $2,484 a Year in Obamacare Premiums
  53. Inside Obamacare's Arizona meltdown
  54. Networks Continue to Ignore Obamacare Collapse
  55. Skyrocketing Obamacare fines called 'definition of insanity'
  56. Obama health plan hit by double-digit premium hikes
  57. Legal team blasts Obama abortion-funding scheme
  58. Left's 'wishful thinking' triggers Obamacare 'death spiral'
  59. I Had Nothing to Do With That!’ Obama Dodges Blame For Skyrocketing Premiums
  60. video More than 1M to lose Obamacare plans as insurers quit
  61. Obamacare 'crazy'? Bill softens us up for gov't takeover
  62. video Not just Bill Clinton! All Dems know Obamacare failing
  63. 4 states will have only 1 Obamacare insurer
  64. ObamaCare rates in MN skyrocket 60% to stave off “collapse
  65. Obamacare exploding rate hikes rattle consumers
  66. ABC, NBC Ignore All ObamaCare Failures in 2016, CBS Barely Covers
  67. Obamacare sign-ups fall far short of forecasts
  68. State officials under pressure to OK ObamaCare premium hikes
  69. We are in the death spiral
  70. Feds Will Struggle to Recoup Loans to Failed Obamacare Co-Ops
  71. Obamacare users in New York brace for double-digit 2017 premium hikes
  72. video New wave of Obamacare co-op failures
  73. video Annual healthcare spending rises to $10K per person
  74. Senator Demands Answers on Failed Obamacare Co-Ops
  75. Report: New evidence of rising 'Obamacare' premiums
  76. video Obamacare - Redistribution of Wealth aka Vatican Socialism (wait for it)
  77. video People died.. and they laughed?!
  78. Obamacare's November surprise
  79. Obamacare disapproval surges
  80. Get ready for huge Obamacare premium hikes in 2017
  81. Nation's biggest health insurer bails on Obamacare
  82. Insurers warn: Time to pay the piper on Obamacare
  83. Thanks Obamacare: This Is What Americans Spent Most Money On In 2015
  84. 7 Obamacare failures that have hurt Americans
  85. Even NPR agrees that Obamacare has failed
  86. Lawmakers: Obama Administration Illegally Diverted Billions Intended for US Treasury to Insurers
  87. Insurer Obamacare Losses Reach Billions Of Dollars After Two Years
  88. Pro-Obamacare legal expert admits president broke law
  89. video Ted Cruz says he doesn't have health insurance, blames Obamacare
  90. 'Death panels' resurrected under new Medicare rules
  91. Taxpayers on hook again in new Obamacare failure
  92. Doctor convicted in Medicare 'greed' fraud blames Obamacare
  93. Doctor Pushes Health Care Rationing, Wants to Prohibit Elderly Patients From ICUs
  94. video That Obamacare penalty will be bigger than you think
  95. In Many Obamacare Markets, Renewal Is Not an Option
  96. Obamacare causing mass exodus! US doctors fleeing medicine
  97. Obamacare doomsday? 'collapses' drop half-million Americans
  98. HUGE salaries for failed Obamacare co-op execs
  99. Obamacare sticker shock: Premiums to spike 20%
  100. VIDEO: ObamaCare house of cards collapsing
  101. Obamacare enrollees 'must double' to stay solvent (no one wants it!) 
  102. Federal judge rips HHS abortion-pill mandate
  103. Planned Parenthood gets $1M in Obamacare grants
  104. Obamacare abortion-pill mandate 'unconstitutional'
  105. How Congress lied setting up own Obamacare
  106. Obamacare overhaul leaves taxpayers on hook for $2.4 billion
  107. State caught ignoring its own Obamacare law?
  108. Obamacare fraud captures GOP attention
  109. video 'Death panels' reappear on Capitol Hill
  110. Obamacare Sticker Shock Arrives: Insurance Premiums To Soar 20-40%
  111. Supreme Court made Obamacare unconstitutional
  112. Former chief of surgeons group calls Obamacare 'fascism
  113. Obamacare subsidies upheld by Supreme Court
  114. Obamacare's 22 health-insurance co-ops near collapse
  115. Obama admits: Obamacare website 'disaster'
  116. video Obamacare personal data at risk from hackers?
  117. ABC Skips Own Poll on 'Record Low Support' for ObamaCare
  118. Governors sue Obama over forced Obamacare expansion
  119. Obamacare goof could bring medical system down
  120. Obamacare tax shock far worse than predicted
  121. Princeton Prof: Kill severely disabled infants under Obamacare
  122. Top doc: Obamacare 'death spiral' already here
  123. video Shut up and pay the fine: Obamacare
  124. Obamacare flying machine begins a death spiral
  125. Pocketing Obamacare tax subsidies could result in an $800 tax bill for U.S. households
  126. 'Failing hospitals, rising costs, unsustainable business model'
  127. video New investigation of Obamacare architect
  128. audio : 5 years later, Obamacare's broken promises get worse
  129. Obamacare 'designed' to close rural hospitals
  130. 4th challenge to Obamacare hits Supreme Court
  131. CBO: Obamacare premiums to significantly spike
  132. Will Obamacare flatline? All sides on edge
  133. video As Supreme Court takes up ObamaCare, GOP offers alternatives, Dems warn of 'massive damage
  134. Obamacare called 'medicine run by the DMV
  135. video Obamacare = International tool to enforce mark of the beast
  136. Twist in Obamacare Supreme Court case: Weak plaintiffs
  137. Obama slammed for redoing Obamacare at whim
  138. video 800,000 customers given wrong tax info
  139. Woman loses insurance 3 times under Obamacare
  140. Some shocking items in ObamaCare
  141. video Bill Maher Turns On Obamacare? ‘It’s More Expensive, Too Confusing
  142. Doctor: Obamacare medical meltdown under way
  143. Obamacare's tax troubles mount
  144. video Medicare Chief Resigns After Obamacare Blunder
  145. Survival prospects for Obamacare in 2015
  146. video 200,000 doctors dump Obamacare
  147. Obamacare cant work
  148. Judging Obamacare state by state (Notice that DC and Massachusetts are the LOWEST in enrollments!)



The following links will grow as research continues. I also plan to make a section on this page pointing to natural healing methods for those in need.


  1. VIDEO: Coleman's 1st Law of Medicine: New Symptoms are caused by Treatment you’re Receiving

  2. VIDEO: How to Stop Your Doctor Killing You

  3. Johnson & Johnson Agrees To Pay $230 Million To Resolve N.Y. Opioid Lawsuit 

  4. VIDEO: SHOCKING!! Nasal Swabs are Soaked in Etheline Oxide (which is cancer causing) declares Registered Nurse Cassandra 
  5. Covid PCR test swabs: CONFIRMED GENOCIDE  
  6. 178 health care workers suspended from Houston Methodist hospital system for refusing COVID-19 vaccination
  7. VIDEO: John d. Rockefeller has corrupted modern medicine. He says it's' good business keep us sick
  8. 1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of the Nuremberg Code
  9. VIDEO: What Really Happens to Your Blood After You Donate? (Soon all the blood will have nano-particles from vaccinated people)
  10. VIDEO: DR. Fauci Is Involved In Cruel Experiments With The Severed Heads Of Aborted Babies! Monsters!!!
  11. Hard Data Proves Big Pharma Knew Covid Vaccines Would Worsen And Prolong The Pandemic
  12. Hard Data Proves AMA Knew Covid Vaccines Worsen & Prolong Pandemic
  13. VIDEO: Youth don’t need adult permission to get vaccinated, experts say
  14. VIDEO: Fauci Under Fire
  15. VIDEO: NHS Will Share ALL Your Medical Data June 23rd - Need To Opt Out NOW!
  16. Fauci's criminal malpractice and killing of medical freedom
  17. New Jersey Enacts Medical Aid-in-Dying Law (The AMA now has a license to murder)
  18. VIDEO: The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket
  19. VIDEO: Bayer and the bees
  20. VIDEO: Get the Covid JAB and Win a Tesla CAR 
  21. VIDEO: Doctors attempting to kill patients (Socialized medicine caught on camera!)
  22. Mutilated girl describes horrors of child gender transition: ‘I can’t believe I was allowed… to have this procedure
  23. MEDICAL MAFIA: Center for Public Integrity reporter Liz Essley Whyte targeting FAMILY members of “anti-vaxxers,” digging for dirt to smear them across NPR, NYT, WashPost and AP
  24. VIDEO: 5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bioweapons and Discuss What to do About It
  25. VIDEO: New mum blackmailed to take COVID TEST if she wants to see her newborn child
  26. Big Tech now colluding with Big Pharma to keep the truth from Americans as Instagram bans Robert F. Kennedy’s vaccine truths
  27. Scientists alarmed by lab grown human - animal hybrids
  28. VIDEO: Statement On Urgent Open Letter From Doctors And Scientists To Ema - Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi
  29. Scientists Built an Artificial Cell That Grows And Divides Like a Natural One (Imagine that in the next vaccine)
  31. Divert military expenses to improve health and fight poverty, Vatican says (Since the AMA is now militerized, it makes sense to use military funds)
  32. Svalbard study finds high levels of pharmaceuticals in marine life
  33. VIDEO: Statement On Urgent Open Letter From Doctors And Scientists To Ema - Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi
  34. Police Review 15,000 Death Certificates at NHS Opioid ‘Euthanasia’ Hospital
  35. British Doctors Order 'Do No Resuscitate' Those with Mental Disabilities
  36. Drug makers conspired to worsen the opioid crisis. They have blood on their hands
  37. VIDEO: Sen. Paul to Dr. Rachel Levine: Do you support amputating kids' private parts?
  38. VIDEO: (old news) they have been giving children flu shots even after parents said DON'T DO IT!
  39. VIDEO: 'Breastfeeding isn't Natural, and it makes moms anti-vaxxers' (And these are the pediatricians people trust with their babies?)
  40. Mom Gave Me a Chance at Life’: Tebow Says Doctors Encouraged His Mom to Abort Him
  41. VIDEO: CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted Heart Attacks as COVID-19 Deaths
  42. Michigan doctor admits to using own sperm to father hundreds of babies, woman says
  43. Millions of Life-Saving Scans Missed as NHS Ground to Halt over Coronavirus: Report (That means many died because of the FAKE virus)
  44. Medical Journal: Birth Certificate Sex Designations ‘Harmful’ for Transgender People
  45. Endocrinologist: Study on Puberty Blockers in Teens ‘Confirms Massive Decrease in Bone Density'
  46. A nurse in a strained El Paso hospital says the sickest COVID-19 patients are put in a doctor-less room called 'the pit' where they are given 3 chances to be revived before workers let them die
  47. FDA: Common allergy and asthma medication Singulair can cause suicidal thoughts in children (Yet they STILL prescribe it)
  48. AMA Joins Planned Parenthood to Ask Supreme Court to Block Trump Rule Keeping Abortion Separate from Family Planning
  49. Woke Lancet Denounces ‘Medical Racism’ in United States
  50. VIDEO: Media Won’t Mention this Historic Speech EXPOSING GLOBAL PLANS FOR POPULATION - R.F Kennedy Jr.
  51. Oregon's youngest coronavirus victim did not actually have virus, according to CDC test (The AMA got caught lying AGAIN)
  52. Doctors' group: HCQ-hoarding FDA cares more about power than Americans' lives
  53. VIDEO: Montana physician Dr Annie Bukacek discusses how CV-9Teen death certificates are being manipulated
  54. Man dies in motorcycle crash - AMA says he died of Covid 19!
  55. Wikipedia ‘Censors’ Medical Articles for Drug Industry
  56. Author of '2.2 million dead' study bankrolled by Big Pharma
  57. Bigger Brother: COVID-19 used to launch new health 'surveillance'
  58. Coronavirus bill establishes national 'surveillance' of health care!
  59. Coronavirus: Doctor claims 9.8 million people dying could be ‘worthwhile payoff’ if schools are reopened
  60. 80% of NYC's coronavirus patients who are put on ventilators ultimately die, and some doctors are trying to stop using them
  61. Doctor jailed for killing baby who 'burst out crying' during abortion
  62. Registered nurse threatens to deny Trump supporter coronavirus treatment
  63. Doctors Pressuring Senior Citizens to Sign Do Not Resuscitate Forms
  64. NHS Auxiliary Nurse Quits After Being Ordered Not to Wear a Mask
  65. VIDEO: NY hospital execs punished for wishing coronavirus on Trump supporters
  66. Hospitals consider do-not-resuscitate order for coronavirus patients
  67. Woman Who Went To Psychiatrist For Help Was Offered Euthanasia As A Treatment Instead
  68. Canadian hospice forced to close after refusing to offer assisted dying
  69. The hospital refused to treat my twin babies. Nurses forced me to watch them die
  70. A 25-year-old teacher died after waiting hours at the ER
  71. Doc saves baby who survived abortion, OB comes and yells at him for it
  72. Doctors can deny treatment if patients have 'wrong' political opinions
  73. Texas Appeals Court Hears Fight to Keep Baby on Life Support
  74. 'Just die, Grandpa': Doctors push 'full totalitarian' health care
  75. 91-year-old who wanted to ‘stay alive’ dies after being removed from life-support (See her plead ON VIDEO)
  76. Texas Judge: Hospital Can Remove Baby from Life Support Against Mother’s Wishes
  77. Quebec considers allowing doctors to euthanize dementia patients without their active consent
  78. Catholic Hospital transplants kidney into wrong patient
  79. Quebec considers expanding eligibility for euthanasia (They want to kill WITHOUT patient permissions)
  80. Thousands of Hospital Patients Exposed to HIV, Hepatitis Due to Botched Sterilization
  81. 84% of Dutch pediatricians want to be able to euthanize children
  82. A woman says she found out her mother's gynecologist used his own sperm to conceive her after submitting DNA to
  83. Michigan Hospital wants to kill another "brain dead" teen
  84. Antibiotics caused man's 'drunkenness disease,' report says: 'No one believed him'
  85. U of Michigan ‘just killed my son’: Hospital yanks life support hours after judge dismisses case
  86. Cancer industry not looking for a cure; they’re too busy making money
  87. U of Michigan hospital trying to yank life support from 14-year-old boy against parents’ wishes
  88. Doctor Facing Life in Prison for Prescribing Thousands of Opioid Doses
  89. CVS Pharmacy Pulls Zantac from Shelves Due to Cancer Concerns
  90. Drugs used as puberty blockers in youth linked to thousands of adult deaths, FDA shows
  91. Doctors took a newborn baby from her parents after they refused a vitamin K shot for her. Now the couple is suing the hospital and DCFS
  92. Thousands of deaths linked to drugs used as puberty blockers for gender-confused kids
  93. Study: Splashes From Shallow Hospital Sinks Are Spreading Infections (WHAT?! - Aren't they TAUGHT basic bacterial dangers?!)
  94. Common Antibiotics Linked To Increased Risk Of Heart Problems
  95. Court won’t let 4-year-old homeschooler return to family after state seizure over medical dispute
  96. 'RINO Care' paves path to socialized medicine
  97. video ~Parents will agree to chemo child to regain custody
  98. video ~Ohio girl, 5, temporarily paralyzed following tick bite (AMA missed a tick! - AGAIN!)
  99. WHAT?! APA Pushes ‘Healthy’ Group Sex for Pre-Teens as the New Normal
  100. Snatched! Government 'illegally' takes child from parents
  101. Fired Christian doctor warns trans agenda being 'pushed' on society
  102. Doctor fired for refusing to call bearded man 'madame'
  103. Study: Psychiatric Diagnoses Are ‘Scientifically Meaningless’ In Treating Mental Health
  104. 1 Child Dead, 5 Sick From Mold In Seattle Children’s Hospital
  105. New Study Sheds Light On Tired, Overworked Nurses: 1 in 8 Takes Meds To Help Stay Awake
  106. Christians face being driven out of Health Care
  107. These commonly prescribed medications may increase your risk of dementia, study finds
  108. Study: 1 Out Of 6 Trips To Hospital Result In 'Surprise' Medical Bills
  109. video ~ER Doctor Mocking Patient With Anxiety
  110. Most Healthcare Workers Admit Caring For Patients While Ill Themselves, Study Finds
  111. Maggots found under bandage at site of Phoenix patient rape
  112. Muslim doctor accused of secretly sterilizing infidels
  113. BIG FARMA: VIDEO: Ghost in the Machine: Lies, Denial, Deceit and Manipulative ‘Research’
  114. WOW! VIDEO: Founder, executives of drug company guilty in conspiracy that fed opioid crisis
  115. VIDEO: Lawsuit Filed by Woman Claiming Hospital Pressured Her into Abortion to Cover Their Mistake
  116. VIDEO: Police officers with guns drawn raid Arizona home for boy with 105-degree fever, report says
  117. Belgium’s assisted suicide rate has increased 247% since 2010
  118. VIDEO: This is what Socialised Medicine will look like in the USA
  119. VIDEO: Medical examiner accused of harvesting organs, tissue from deceased children
  120. VIDEO: They killed him for exposing the AMA's AIDS disease
  121. Who decides who lives and who dies?
  122. Woman dies months after doctors reportedly removed both of her healthy kidneys by mistake
  123. Who's to blame for drug overdoses?
  124. L.A. doctor in trouble after prescribing marijuana to 4-year-old
  125. video ~Student died after eating 5 day old spagetti
  126. Alarming’ burnout is making doctors want to kill themselves
  127. Accidental Opioid Deaths Top Car Accident Deaths for the First Time
  128. Ex-pharma CEO pleads guilty to opioid kickback scheme
  129. Over 100 babies and toddlers given expired polio vaccines in China, months after last crisis
  130. video ~Woman in vegetative state for 14 years gives birth after being raped at Phoenix nursing home
  131. Couple sue Vermont gynecologist for fathering child
  132. AMA Hippocratic oath to 'do no harm' being abandoned 
  133. video ~More than 3,000 patients at New Jersey surgery center possibly exposed to HIV, hepatitis 
  134. Las Vegas man paralyzed after getting flu shot
  135. Emergency room promoting ... euthanasia!
  136. video ~7th child dies, 11 sick in viral outbreak at New Jersey rehabilitation center
  137. Mass exodus of physicians is taking place'
  138. 4 get cancer from donated organ in 'extraordinary rare' case
  139. U.S. Doctors Are Performing Double Mastectomies On Healthy 13-Year-Old Girls
  140. Surgeon left needle inside patient, then couldn’t get it out, lawsuit says
  141. Doctors said the coma patients would never wake. AI said they would - and they did
  142. video ~Parents of baby misdiagnosed with terminal brain condition in utero left fate 'in God's hands'
  143. 'Most Chilling Thing': Doctors Look To Starve People
  144. WHAT?! A Texas Doctor Will Not Serve Jail Time After Raping A Patient While She Was Sedated
  145. Researchers (with the demon of Josef Mengele) want to experiment on older human embryos
  146. Blood pressure medication recalled because it gives you cancer instead
  147. V.A. facility in D.C. resembles '3rd world hospital'
  148. Presumed Consent: UK Govt to Make Everyone Organ Donors Unless They Opt Out
  149. WOW! NETHERLANDS: Elderly Woman Forcibly Euthanized
  150. Mom STRAPPED DOWN and given emergency C-section without anesthesia, lawsuit claims
  151. Abortion pill fast-tracked by Bill Clinton kills at least 22
  152. Mom says daughter died after medics assumed she couldn’t afford ambulance
  153. WOW! VIDEO: This Is What Assisted Suicide Looks Like
  154. Nurse poisoned at least 20 ailing patients so they would die during someone else's watch
  155. Study: One in Five Deaths Among Young Adults Is Opioid-Related
  156. 500,000 opioid deaths expected next decade. Why?
  157. Physician burnout, depression can lead to major medical errors: Study 
  158. Johns Hopkins Hospital Complex Evacuated — Hazmat Situation for Possible Tuberculosis
  159. Assisted Suicide Law Tentatively Reinstated for California
  160. One in three Americans take meds with depressive side effects: study
  161. video ~Mom loses ovaries, uterus and toes after IUD ends up in stomach
  162. video ~4 WORST Prescription Drug Side Effects
  163. video ~CDC: U.S. Suicide Rates Rising Dramatically
  164. Surveillance in doctors' exam rooms mandated, report says
  165. video ~New evidence shows Purdue Pharma knew about opioid abuse
  166. Bush-Era DOJ Report Recommended Felony Charges for OxyContin Execs
  167. video ~WOW! U.S. hospital refuses to help premature twins born alive, leaves them to die
  168. Oliver North Blames School Shootings On Ritalin
  169. VIDEO: They sold depression to sell pills
  170. OxyContin Maker ‘Destroyed Lives for Financial Gain,’ Says Texas AG
  171. AMA again says "brain dead" when child is not dead
  172. video ~How the health care system has racial biases
  173. Court Ruling Confirms Gardasil Vaccine Kills People. Scientific Evidence Beyond Any Reasonable Doubt. So Where Is the Outcry?
  174. What’s It All About, Socialized Healthcare?
  175. WOW!! video ~ CBS2 News Investigation: Flies In Operating Rooms Force VA Hospital To Postpone More Than 80 Surgeries
  176. video ~'Eaten Alive' | Woman known for beauty suffers horrific death at nursing home
  177. Alfie, Isaiah, Charlie: The Ill Children Mandated to Die by Hospitals Against Their Parents’ Wishes
  178. Ex-nurse confessed to killing dozens of babies: prosecutor
  179. French Hospital Rules to Euthanize Disabled Man Against Parents’ Wishes
  180. Russian woman dies after given formaldehyde instead of saline drip
  181. Russian woman embalmed alive in deadly hospital mistake
  182. video ~Woman Finds Epidural Needle in Her Spine 14 Years After Giving Birth: 'I'm Angry and Scared'
  183. Doctor's ID concealed in 'bungled' abortion
  184. video ~21-year-old-girl fights for her life after doctors say she had tonsillitis
  185. video ~Feds say 5 NYC doctors took bribes from drug maker to prescribe opioid
  186. Grandmother, 93, and ex-nurse is left in a hospital corridor for SIX DAYS soaked from head-to-toe in her own urine
  187. Graphic video: Doctors accused of using man's foot as pillow after amputating his leg
  188. Feds preparing next big power grab: Natural remedies
  189. Woman Has Legs, Arm Amputated After Doctors Fail To Diagnosis Her With Sepsis
  190. Hospital may lose Medicare contract after 5 newborns injured in intensive care
  191. video ~DEA agents take down drug ring run by doctor
  192. Doctor Allegedly Shot Couple Dead in Front of Their 3 Sons as They Helped His Mom with Errands
  193. Taxpayers paying for more VA corruption
  194. 5-year-old dies after doctor turns her away for being late
  195. Murder charge filed in fallout from video that shows nurses laughing as dying WWII vet struggles for air
  196. Surgical sponges left inside woman for at least 6 years
  197. VIDEO: Painkiller that once cost $138 is now $2,979
  198. Media AGAIN ignoring 1 crucial factor in Florida school shooting
  199. video ~Girl declared dead while alive reawakens another famous case
  200. FYI: Feds to give all your health data to researchers
  201. AMA wants to KILL another person. This time a 13 yr old girl!
  202. California sued after hospital ends life of sick boy
  203. Unnecessary Medical Care: More Common Than You Might Imagine
  204. Family blames Tamiflu for their teenage son's suicide
  205. video ~The US medical system is still haunted by slavery
  206. Doctors can end baby's life support without parents' consent, court rules
  207. Video reveals how EMS workers declined to help man shot 16 times
  208. Surgeon arrested for coming to work drunk
  209. video ~Disturbing Video Shows Patient Dumped at Bus Stop by Hospital Staff in the Cold
  210. video ~Bay Area couple in car crash refuses medical help, gets big bill anyway
  211. ‘They Said I Was a Tumor’: Tim Tebow Reveals Miracle That Unfolded After Doctors Urged Abortion and Said He ‘Wasn’t Even a Baby’ (Some doctors work THAT CLOSELY with Satan!)
  212. UK NHS Patient Asks for Female Nurse for Cervical Smear, Gets Tattooed Trans Man With Stubble
  213. Study: India Performs 15.6 Million Abortions per Year
  214. video ~Price of 40-year-old cancer drug hiked 1,400% by new owners
  215. AMA wrong again! Baby slated for death of crippled life now THRIVING!
  216. Man believed to have killed his kids, then himself identified as surgeon
  217. Surgeon Admits to Carving Initials into Patients’ Livers During Operations
  218. Mom of three dies after doctors said she was 'too young' to have bowel cancer
  219. video ~Rome's Hidden Medical Agenda
  220. My daughter would still be alive if I’d known about the danger that killed her
  221. video ~Two doctors fired after 'dead' baby wakes up on way to funeral
  222. Report: Miami VA Hospital Cafeteria ‘Grimey,’ Infested with ‘Insects and Rodent Droppings’
  223. video ~The History of Evil AMA Exposed
  224. video ~Employees fired for refusing flu shots
  225. video ~shows Second World War vet calling for help before dying; nurses laugh
  226. Doctor's final fix for mother's depression: Death
  227. Nurse may have killed over 100 patients
  228. Why I'm suing 11 Big Pharma companies
  229. Survey stunner: Doctors discuss assisted suicide for terminal children
  230. Chuck Norris sues 11 drug companies for 'poisoning' wife
  231. Vietnam veteran died while nurse's aide played video games: Report
  232. The little red pill being pushed on the elderly
  233. video ~Canadian doctors performed almost 2k assisted suicides since legalization in June 2016
  234. Vegas shooter (like all others) was on AMA drugs!
  235. video ~Family Suing NYC Hospital After Man Slips into Coma in ER Waiting Room
  236. Judge Rules Doctors Can Starve Disabled Patients to Death Without a Court Order
  237. VIDEO: Jacksonville Navy hospital apologizes for staff's 'inappropriate' photos of newborns
  238. Coroner finds that anti-smoking drug, Champix, contributed to young man's suicide
  239. Judge: girl declared dead … technically alive
  240. German nurse killed at least 84 patients: Police
  241. video ~Big pharma slapped with more opioid lawsuits
  242. 'Dead' girl responds to instructions to move finger
  243. Oregon Senate votes to allow dementia patients to be starved to death
  244. video ~How Big Pharma Created the Heroin EpidemicDoctors Back NHS-Funded ‘Womb Transplants’ for Transgender People
  245. ‘Death Panel’: European Court Says Terminal Baby Must Die Despite Parents Funding Extra Care
  246. Doctors raked in cash to push fentanyl as N.J. death rate exploded
  247. video ~Nurse committing euthanasia: It was the most soul-wrenching thing I ever discovered
  248. FINALLY: EU court: Vaccines can be blamed for illnesses without proof
  249. Oregon Senate votes to allow dementia patients to be starved to death
  250. AMA Doctor helps Muslims mutilate young girls
  251. video ~Overdoses now leading cause of death of Americans under 50
  252. Vermont doctors defeat campaign to mandate suicide counseling
  253. This Woman's Skin "Melted Off" After She Was Given the Wrong Dosage of an Antidepressant
  254. video ~ FYI: Deadly 'superbug' fungus emerging in U.S. hospitals
  255. Federal Law Doesn’t Require Healthcare Providers to Report FGM Despite Half a Million ‘At Risk’
  256. Report: Detroit FGM-Doctor Mutilated Girls Far Worse Than She Admits
  257. Second Detroit Doctor Busted in Female Genital Mutilation Ring
  258. video ~The TRUTH about cancer! (SHOCKING!)
  259. video ~Inside the worst drug-induced epidemic in US history
  260. Ex-pharmacy exec convicted in deadly meningitis outbreak
  261. video ~Doctor watched procedure on Youtube before (fatal) surgery, says lawsuit
  262. video ~Franklin County teen (on AMA drugs) who decapitated mother in country illegally
  263. Woman 'accidentally cremated while still alive'
  264. Multidrug-resistant infections rising in US kids  
  265. video ~You’re Overpaying for Drugs and Your Pharmacist Can’t Tell You
  266. Doctors are refusing to operate on smokers. Here’s why the trend will grow
  267. Surgical Device Spreads Cancer Inside Women
  268. video ~Doctor convicted of botched surgery gets life sentence
  269. video ~Man Who Doctors Called ‘Just Fat’ Has 130-Pound Tumor Removed
  270. Ohio coroner's office running out of room because of overdose deaths
  271. Canada pushing doctor assisted suicide to save money!
  272. Eva Amurri Martino Says Night Nurse Dropped Her Baby, Cracking His Skull
  273. Hospital to worker: Ditch Christian beliefs  
  274. video ~CDC: Synthetic (AMA) Opioid Overdose Deaths Soared 72 Percent in 2015
  275. Report: VA staff left veteran's body in shower nine hours, tried to hide mistakes
  276. Worry of copycats in states with assisted-suicide laws
  277. video ~Hundreds of VA dental patients possibly exposed to HIV, hepatitis
  278. Med student dies trying to get lips enlarged
  279. Nursing Home Euthanizes Woman Who Only Had a Bladder Infection
  280. Chicago nursing home fined after residents overdose on heroin
  281. Ex-nurse's aide sentenced to 65 years for nursing home thefts
  282. Same infection kills 3 people in SAME BED in one hospital!?
  283. Unknown illness spreads from woman to deputies and hospital staff in Coos County
  284. video ~Pharmacy prescribes dose 1000X too high: kills 8yr old boy!
  285. video ~United States among the world’s most depressed countries
  286. video ~Utah Dad: ‘I had to pay $39.35 to hold my baby after he was born’
  287. 80% of data in Chinese clinical trials have been fabricated
  288. SummitCare Nursing Home: Aged care nurse found guilty of murdering patients
  289. video ~Exclusive: World’s first baby born with new “3 parent” technique
  290. Vermont's suicide rule requires doctors violate medical ethics
  291. Docs attach woman's colon to her vagina in botched cancer surgery
  292. Pushing Kids Into Transgenderism Is Medical Malpractice
  293. video ~Murder By Medicine 1 - Dr. Jennifer Daniels
  294. video ~Murder By Medicine 2 - Dr. Jennifer Daniels
  295. video ~From Doctor to Terrorist - Dr Jennifer Daniels - What happens when you don't play ball w/ Big-Pharma
  296. Assisted suicide fight ushers in 'whole parade of terribles
  297. Obese people and smokers 'banned from routine surgery' as NHS attempts to cut spending costs
  298. Sick? 'You're seen as better off dead
  299. 1-year-old prescribed antidepressants
  300. video ~Controversial Human-Animal Chimeras, The Future of Medicine?
  301. California Says It’s Okay to Target the Disabled With Assisted Suicide, But Not Prisoners
  302. Surgeon accused of removing kidney from wrong patient
  303. video ~Pregnant Woman Ignores Doctor`s Advice, Saves Pre-Mature Baby`s Life
  304. Doctors fight state's assisted-suicide orders
  305. poGm video ~Doctors treat 'Pretend Sex'
  306. New Rule Requires Doctors To Treat Trans Patients As Their Pretend Sex
  307. The baby lived despite their 'diagnosis'
  308. poGm video ~SHOCKER!!! Doctor HISSES he loves to kill Babies
  309. A hospital's mistake paralyzes a designer. He got $20M, and an unusual promise
  310. Shocker: Mother Wakes Up From C-section With Both Legs Missing
  311. video ~FDA approves orange-flavored amphetamine for 6-year-olds
  312. video ~Newborn baby burned at the hospital
  313. Elderly Fla. man claims he killed wife because of medical costs
  314. video ~VIDEO: CanaDIE: Right to Life Becoming Duty to Die in Canada
  315. Colorado Nurse Was Able to Keep Working Despite Abuse Claims
  316. video ~Medical errors are the 3rd leading cause of deaths in the US
  317. Nurse accused of sex crime against 2-year-old
  318. U.S. House docs: Profits from baby body parts real
  319. video ~ Deadly superbug infections from tainted scopes greater than thought
  320. video ~ Woman dies after getting 16 teeth pulled
  321. video ~ Man wakes up after five-hour dentist visit to find all his teeth removed
  322. 'Medical waste' company wants critics silenced
  323. video ~ Seattle hospital urges HIV tests after needle swaps
  324. Shocking Medical Survey Finds 99% of Doctors Overprescribe Opiate Painkillers
  325. Baby born alive after failed abortion left to die
  326. Ontario Assisted Dying: Court Allows 81-Year-Old Man To Have Doctors Help Him Die
  327. Doctors Realize Their Mistake When Toddler’s Face ‘Melts’ & He Nearly Dies
  328. ADHD is vastly overdiagnosed and many children are just immature, say scientists
  329. video ~AMA once again caught wanting to rip organs out of people in comas that are NOT dead
  330. How to Protect Yourself and Your Children from Medical Kidnapping
  331. Playing Russian roulette with premature babies
  332. Taking you child to ER? Bring your Lawyer!
  333. video ~Costs of TPP will be bad for America, smaller countries
  334. Same medical procedure costs 10 times as much in 1 city
  335. Heartburn Drugs Tied to Dementia Risk
  336. video ~Tech accused of swapping needles, patients to be tested
  337. video ~Parents: Hospital performed surgery on the wrong baby
  338. Doctor convicted of murder for patients' drug overdoses gets 30 years to life in prison
  339. Lawsuit: Hawaii man HIV-positive after blood transfusion
  340. More Tennesseans Died of Drug Overdose than Car Accidents in 2014
  341. Examples of 'health care without conscience'
  342. French Drug Trial Disaster Leaves One Brain Dead, Five Injured
  343. 'Death panels' resurrected under new Medicare rules
  344. Trouble for Doctor Who Battled Mom Over Episiotomy
  345. A father’s desperate - but dangerous - strategy
  346. Chris Dunn dies after fight over life-sustaining treatment, attorney confirms
  347. FDA: 'Gay' men can now donate blood
  348. Medical panel: 12-year-olds should be offered euthanasia
  349. Doctor ousted for talking about risks of LGBT behavior
  350. Hospital set to 'pull plug' on patient who wants to live7
  351. Woman Sues Hospital Over Traumatic Birth That 'Turned Our Family Life Upside Down
  352. Doctors Should Be Allowed to Carry Out Euthanasia on the Mentally Ill
  353. Pharmacy accidentally gave kids bipolar pills instead of candy
  354. video ~Take as Prescribed: Drug Addiction in the US
  355. Patient undergoes breast removal surgery to find out she never had cancer
  356. video ~AGAIN! AMA WRONG! VIDEO: For 10 Years Everyone Thought He Was In A Coma. They Were Wrong
  357. Price of 62-year-old AIDS, cancer drug hiked 5,000%
  358. video ~Killing not just pain: Strong painkillers make people drug addicted
  359. AMA doctors can now LEGALLY kil you in California!
  360. VIDEO: Tick bite leads to amputation of woman's limbs
  361. video ~Baphomet in Detroit?! (wait for it)
  362. video ~Doctor gives chemo treatments to healthy patients
  363. FDA Strengthens Stroke and Heart Attack Warnings on Ibuprofen
  364. Dr. Farid Fata Sentenced to 45 Years in Prison as Cancer Misdiagnosis Victims Tell All
  365. Doc Told Hundreds of Healthy People They Had Cancer
  366. video ~Prescription painkillers linked to high homicide rates
  367. video ~Paramedic fired for refusing to help baby
  368. video ~Anesthesiologist trashes sedated patient
  369. Belgian Doctors Are Euthanizing Patients Without Their Consent
  370. Big list of drug-induced killers
  371. Deaths From Drug Overdoses Rise Across America
  372. video ~Mass media tricks people into taking deadly and ineffective drugs
  373. Fight goes on over 'depressed' mom euthanized by doctor
  374. The hospitals that overcharge patients by 1000%
  375. FBI investigating J&J surgical tool suspected of spreading cancer
  376. Feds Help Finance Creation of Implantable Body Antenna for ‘Long-term Patient Monitoring
  377. video ~U.S.: 4 cancer charities run by 1 family are shams
  378. Editor In Chief Of World’s Best Known Medical Journal: Half Of All The Literature Is False
  379. New England Journal of Medicine comes out of the closet
  380. video ~Young Woman Dies After DNP Diet Pills Bought Online ‘Burned Her From Within  
  381. Psychiatric drugs kill 500,000 elderly people in the West annually
  382. video ~US Addiction Epidemic Fuelled By Pharma Corporations
  383. Nurse 'poisoning patients': There's 'a devil in me'
  384. video ~Shocking: Man left to die as paramedic watches on with hands in his pockets
  385. Blood transfusion gives boy 'deadly' food allergies
  386. Antibiotics in meat on the rise worldwide, especially bacon
  387. video ~VA makes vet prove leg amputation with X-ray
  388. 10 years later, Terri Schiavo's death still haunts
  389. Brain dead' woman recalls terrifying moment she heard doctors ask her husband to switch off her life support
  390. DEA approves study using Ecstasy aka MDMA for anxiety in seriously ill patients
  391. AMA doctors pushing demonic possession to relieve stress?!
  392. Medical 'meltdown' imminent, warns top doctor
  393. video ~Maker of Children’s Tylenol, Motrin under fire for adulterated painkillers
  394. Paramedic takes selfies with dying patients
  395. Aborted-baby organ program called 'Frankenscience'  
  396. FYI: Search Tells You If, When, and How Much YOUR Doctor Was Paid by Big Pharma
  397. LSD cures depression? Scientists plead for cash to fund ‘exciting’ drug study
  398. video ~Tainted Medical Devices At Cedars-Sinai Linked To 2nd Superbug Outbreak
  399. video ~Nearly 180 People Exposed to Drug-Resistant Superbug Known as CRE
  400. video Newborn baby dies in ambulance after 'hospitals turned her away'
  401. Man Who Awoke After 12 Years in a Vegetative State Says Nurse Sexually Abused Him
  402. Canada court rules doctors can help ill patients die  
  403. Woman Contracts Polio Virus ‘from Vaccinated Infant’
  404. 17 med journals accept 'Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
  405. Stepping Hill nurse 'murdered three patients by contaminating saline bags
  406. video Teen poses as hospital physician for a month
  407. Concerning Report Finds Monsanto Chemical in Hospital Feeding Tubes
  408. Man awakens from 12 years in 'vegetative state' ("I was aware of everything")
  409. Yet another cancer doctor admits fabricating false positives to profit from selling toxic chemotherapy
  410. video Court: Government (AMA) can force chemo on teen
  411. video The Challenging Patients
  412. Painkillers Kill More Than Heroin and Cocaine Combined
  413. Women Told to Avoid Giving Birth in Hospitals in U.K
  414. Healthy boy sent to Ebola quarantine center
  415. Expert: Obamacare will push doctors toward suicide
  416. 5 Medical Procedures You May Not Actually Need
  417. Surgeon disciplined for removing inmate's good kidney, leaving tumorous one
  418. video At least 11 women die after sterilization in India
  419. Mother has 4 limbs removed after abortion
  420. ANOTHER Baby Born Healthy After Couple Refuses Abortion Despite Doctors’ ‘Fetal Abnormalities’ Claim
  421. Big pharma has an interest in (rich) people being sick
  422. Nurse 'joked' about throwing a baby with cerebral palsy out of a window
  423. VIDEO: Italian nurse accused of killing dozens of patients
  424. Toronto hospital wants to know how you would like to die
  425. Two Sisters Seized By Phoenix Hospital, Mother Ordered Not To Talk – Another Medical Kidnapping?
  426. Vatican linked to Big-Pharma just as prophecy predicted
  427. video Big Pharma Kills 100,000 Per Year. Doctors On Their Payroll!
  428. video Doctors net billions from drug firms
  429. video Hospitals ask patients to pay upfront
  430. video Dallas hospital isolates patient for possible Ebola
  431. More Than 700 Infants Exposed To TB At Texas Hospital
  432. Joan Rivers’ doctor took selfie before biopsy
  433. video Anxiety Drugs Linked With Alzheimer's
  434. Parents lose children due to fake medical diagnosis
  435. Doctor tells man: We killed your 'depressed' mom
  436. Spain sends sick boy's parents to jail
  437. White House Admits Staging Fake Vaccination Operation to Gather DNA From the Public
  438. Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children's IQ
  439. Drug Overdose: Prescription Painkillers Poison 46 Americans Every Day
  440. Man's Ravaging Lyme Disease Eludes Doctors for a Year
  441. The Pharmaceutical Business Causes More Death Than All The Wars Of Mankind Combined
  442. Forced Medicine: Gunpoint Medicine has Become Normal in America
  443. Wisconsin Democrats Endorse Assisted Suicide
  444. AMA ignores woman that had stroke
  445. Police Charge Catholic Hospital Worker With Euthanizing 10 Patients
  446. Medicare to Now Cover Sex-Change Surgery
  447. Moms on antidepressants have babies with malformed brains
  448. AMA trying to strip parents rights away
  449. Teen 'kidnapped' by state (AMA) finally heading home?
  450. One Breakdown Can Mean Losing Your Kid Forever
  451. Norway scientists took brains of 700 babies
  452. video Woman dies as dentist extracts 20 teeth
  453. video Shocking number of toddlers are medicated for ADHD
  454. video Arizona College Student Bounces Back From the Dead After Nearly Giving Organs
  455. Man undergoing minor surgery given vasectomy by mistake
  456. video Overmedicated nation: American children in danger
  457. Lying about cancer: 1,300 mammograms falsified
  458. Many Wyoming parents question childhood vaccines
  459. 67 British Doctors Who Signed Blank Forms Authorizing Abortions Face No Discipline
  460. UK Physicians Group Refuses Diplomas to Doctors Who Oppose Abortion Drugs
  461. Anti-anxiety drugs, sleeping pills proven to kill thousands of American each year
  462. video Psychiatry's secret involvement in military suicides
  463. $64 million in bribes paid to UK doctors last year by drug companies
  464. video Medicated to Death: SSRIs and Mass Killings
  465. Pregnant Woman Dies After Horrifying Medical Mixup
  466. Death Blamed on New Blood Thinner
  467. CDC: Hospital infections kill 200 daily in USA
  468. Vaccine-Induced Tissue Scurvy Globally Misdiagnosed as Child Abuse
  469. video 90% of NYC Measles victims were vaccinated against it
  470. video Family Claims Grandmother Was Frozen Alive in Hospital Morgue
  471. Fort Hood shooter was on anti-depression medication
  472. Paralyzed 'organ donor' barely escapes doctor's knife
  473. Baby "diagnosed" as terminal survives... AGAIN
  474. Research confirms antidepressant-autism link
  475. Mom in court for refusing to drug daughter, 13, with antipsychotic
  476. Expert: New painkiller 'will kill people as soon as it's released'
  477. Woman Defies Doctors Who Told Her to Abort Unborn Baby Because It 'Will Die' and Delivers Healthy Baby Boy
  478. Miss. Man, Declared Dead, Wakes Up in Body Bag at Funeral Home
  479. Anti-depressants' side-effects worse than thought
  480. Woman Births Healthy Baby After Urged to Abort Child Having 'Ten Percent Chance of Survival'
  481. Voices for Vaccines: 11 Facts Show How it’s a Propaganda Ploy for Emory University, CDC, and Big Pharma
  482. Vaccine exemption bills often introduced but rarely passed
  483. 18 North Carolina patients may have been exposed to rare brain disease
  484. Brazil doctors convicted in organ trafficking scheme
  485. Exposed: Big Pharma Hides $450 Million of Influenza Drugs & Research from Public
  486. video Bayer CEO says cancer drug is for rich people only
  487. Doctors and Bouncers in Oxycodone Ring Charged
  488. Cops take wrong woman to psych hospital
  489. Snakebite victim charged $89,000 for 18-hour hospital stay
  490. EXCLUSIVE: Man dies in St. Barnabas Emergency Room waiting area
  491. In US, not all drugs are reviewed equally: study
  492. Judge: Doctors allowed to help you die
  493. Father Jailed For Life Without Parole After His 12 Week-Old Daughter Died After Receiving 8 Vaccinations!
  494. Judge awards $255,000 to woman groped by male nurse while in BR hospital
  495. CA doctor to plead guilty in RX trafficking case
  496. Thyroid Cancer Testing Leading to Unnecessary Thyroid Removals
  497. video Pregnant Nurse In Fear Of Miscarriage Fired For Refusing Flu Vaccine
  498. Girl falls asleep 30 times a day after receiving flu vaccine
  499. Horizons Healthcare Services fires pregnant nurse for refusing flu shot
  500. Chinese doctor admits stealing, selling newborns
  501. Texas Mom Sues After Insurance Denies Claim and Daughter Dies of Appendicitis
  502. Deadly Vaccine Kills 8 Infants; Drug Maker Says Deaths “Coincidental”  
  503. 13 year old girl goes into hospital to have tonsils removed, now braindead
  504. Medicine’s Lost Integrity: Did GMO & Big Pharma Eat the Hippocratic Oath?
  505. video Big Pharma Caught Pushing Drugs Causing Same Dangers They ‘Prevent’
  506. Mom Says [hospital] Security Put Dead Son in a Taxi
  507. video Triclosan found in 75% of us, FDA knows it's dangerous
  508. video Dangerous GP surgeries are named and shamed
  509. Major hospital blunders including 40 patients given surgery on wrong limb, revealed by official statistics
  510. Disabled baby denied heart transplant
  511. video Veterans Dropping Dead From Prescription Drug Addictions
  512. Ex-hospital worker gets 39 years for causing hepatitis C outbreak
  513. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Found to Increase Asthma Risk by up to 540%
  514. How the Current Medical System Misinforms You About Vaccines
  515. video ~ Mom faults flu shot in teen son's death
  516. True Story: 74-Year-Old with Weeks to Live Beats Cancer with Wheatgrass
  517. Deadly 5-in-1 Vaccine Kills At Least Eight Infants
  518. Boston Children's Hospital kidnaps teen girl for 10 months, holds her as prisoner while threatening parents
  519. video ~ Flavor Enhancer MSG Added to Flu Shot
  520. video ~ Pfizer Tracking Unvaccinated Children Through Health Insurance
  521. Fraud: Drug Companies Selectively Publish Studies to Push Anti-Depressants
  522. Rise in Autism Rates go Hand-in-Hand with Increased Vaccinations
  523. Top Pharma-Brand of Children's Vitamins Contains Aspartame, GMOs, & Other Hazardous Chemicals
  524. 800 European children develop narcolepsy after receiving H1N1 vaccine
  525. Director of Mexican clinic where woman was forced to give birth outside suspended
  526. Devastating Report: Cancer Misdiagnosed in Over 1.3 Million Cases
  527. Medical researcher tells how Big Pharma has corrupted healthcare
  528. Chinese Mass Vaccination Campaign Has Doubled Hepatitis B Virus Mutations
  529. Thousands of citizens in India killed by reckless Big Pharma drug trials
  530. Prominent heart surgeon admits mainstream medicine's mistake, reveals true cause of heart disease
  531. Doctors: Patients Don’t Need to be Dead Before We Harvest Their Organs
  532. Gates Foundation introduces trendy new bracelets to push more vaccines
  533. video ~ Dr Ben Carson: Socialized Medicine is the Keystone to a Socialist State
  534. video ~ Obamacare : private data will be shared with Law Enforcement (THIS IS SCARY!)
  535. Japanese doctors ordered to cover up mass radiation sickness across population
  536. Mistakes Made by Hospital Staffs
  537. Cytotechnologist Calls Test for HPV Vaccine Fraud
  538. Gasp! CDC Finally Admits the Age of Antibiotics is Finished as Super-Bacteria Take Over
  539. Women Gives Birth to IdenticalTriplets After Doctors Told Her To Abort Them
  540. Nearly two dozen medical studies prove that vaccines can cause autism
  541. 1 in 500 patients wakes up on operating table
  542. CDC: Painkillers Kill Four Times More than Cocaine and Heroin Combined
  543. Bariatric surgery performed on 2-year-old proves total insanity of western medical system
  544. Gardasil Vaccine Destroys Ovaries of 16-yr. Old Girl, Causes Infertility
  545. video ~ Ninja doctor busted
  546. Vaccinated children have up to 500% more disease than un-vaccinated children
  547. Doctors resign from UC Davis after getting caught infecting cancer patients' brains with fecal bacteria
  548. Surgery photo leads to privacy lawsuit against Torrance Memorial
  549. Doctors Tell Mom to Abort “Brain Dead” Baby, Mom Sues After Delivering Healthy Child
  550. video ~ New Hampshire hospital contacts 8 patients who may have been exposed to deadly, rare brain disease
  551. Courts discreetly confirm MMR vaccine causes autism
  552. Florida is a mecca for pharma payoffs to hospitals and doctors
  553. video ~ Gardasil video ignores side effects including 'death'
  554. Antipsychotic meds make children three times more likely to develop diabetes, increase suicide rates 20 fold
  555. Big Pharma invents yet another disease to sell deadly drugs
  556. Family sues pharmaceutical company over child brain damaged by flu vaccine
  557. Parents charged with murder of baby that was actually killed by vaccines
  558. video ~ Mom Sues Pharmacy After Daughter's Fatal Overdose
  559. video ~ Man with Stage 3 Colon Cancer Rejects Chemotherapy & Cures Himself with Vegan Diet
  560. Man denied life-saving surgery over 26-cent insurance dispute
  561. video ~ Snake-bite victim socked with $55K bill
  562. video ~ Teen Denied Transplant Over 'Noncompliance'
  563. Study links autism to birth inductions
  564. Texas compounding pharmacy recalls drugs after 15 infections
  565. Doctor Accused of Misdiagnosing Cancer for Medicare Payments
  566. video ~ Surgery's dirty secrets
  567. Why did Cops kill this 95-year-old in walker?
  568. video ~ Indiana doctor a serial killer?
  569. video ~ Texas woman underwent chemo after false diagnosis
  570. video ~ CDC Admits as Many as 30 Million Americans Could be at Risk for Cancer Due to Polio Vaccine
  571. 13,000 died needlessly at 14 worst NHS trusts
  572. Generic drug companies granted total immunity against all lawsuits from patients harmed by side effects
  573. St. Joe's "dead" patient awoke as docs prepared to remove organs
  574. video ~ Study: Thousands of surgeries unnecessary
  575. 20 Signs That The Pharmaceutical Companies Are Running A 280 Billion Dollar Money Making Scam
  576. video ~ Scientist Warning Against Flu Shot
  577. Cost of Care: Hospital CEOs Rake in Bonuses
  578. Caffeine withdrawal is now a mental disorder
  579. Netherlands, Belgium Racing to Okay Euthanasia for Disabled Children
  580. doctors to mass-euthanize children and Alzheimer's patients
  581. Half of Americans 'Mentally ill'
  582. More Kids Being Poisoned by Prescription Drugs: Study
  583. Girl 'left to die' by Sebelius decision
  584. Toronto Hospital Dehydrating Children to Death, Says Quality of Life Too Low
  585. Medical Waste Giant Stericycle Dumped Babies Murdered By Gosnell Into Landfills
  586. Vaccines caused Peanut allergy?!
  587. The Vaccine Hoax is Over. Documents from UK reveal 30 Years of Coverup
  588. U.S. Top of List for First-Day Deaths in Rich Nations
  589. Police take baby after parents seek second medical opinion
  590. Man Denied Life-Saving Liver Transplant Due to Medical Marijuana Usage
  591. Cancer Doctors Protest 'Astronomical' Drug Costs
  592. Bedbugs invade hospitals
  593. 80 Million in US can't afford to go to doctor
  594. Surprise! Look who's getting power to kill you
  595. Death Panels for Infants!
  596. Baby born in hotel bath after hospital turns away mum-to-be
  597. Obamacare made medicine dangerous to your health
  598. Nearly 25% of nurses wouldn't recommend their hospital
  599. Bird Flu Hysteria: 'Big pharma ready to cash in before virus researched'
  600. Flu vaccine causes 1,400 percent increased risk of narcolepsy
  601. Oklahoma health officials warn surgeon may have infected thousands with HIV
  602. video ~ Rogue Dentist May Have Exposed 7,000 Patients to HIV, Hepatitis
  603. Man Having Heart Attack Denied Care At Walk-In Clinic
  604. Health Care Lottery in Tennesee
  605. Americans who received swine flu vaccines are at risk for paralysis disorders
  606. video ~ Mother angry after daughter vaccinated without her permission
  607. Abortionist charged with 7 counts of first degree murder for aborting living babies
  608. American Academy of Pediatrics Announces Support for Same-Sex Marriage
  609. Rabies death from organ transplant
  610. Nevada puts psychiatric patients on bus to California
  611. 20,000 preventable deaths in government hospitals
  612. The new genetically modified flublock flu vaccine
  613. FDA says Z-Pak antibiotics can cause fatal irregular heart rhythm (AMA continues use!)
  614. Proposed Texas law calls for allowing vaccination of children without parental consent
  615. Feds sued for secrets on HPV vaccine deaths
  616. Your doctor to become 1-person death panel?
  617. CRE the superbug that has no cure? (AMA lied!)
  618. CDC: 'Nightmare bacteria' spreading in U.S. Hospitals
  619. Doctor threatens to call police if patient refuses C-Section
  620. Mother who was told to have an abortion by doctors celebrates one year birthday of her quadruplets
  621. Doctor accused of severing babies" spines with scissors in "house of horrors"
  622. Multiple vaccine doses have resulted in up to 145,000 child deaths in past 20 years
  623. Fremont nurse accused of sex attacks (The hospital knew about previous attacks and kept him on staff!)
  624. Family fights $474K hospital bill
  625. 50 Signs That The U.S. Health Care System Is A Gigantic Money Making Scam That Is About To Collapse
  626. Family fights $474K hospital bill
  627. Peanut oil in vaccines behind widespread peanut allergy epidemic
  628. Some hospitals grant patients' racist requests
  629. video ~ Secret evil truth behind the medical doctors oath
  630. Woman was forced to deliver her own baby in a New South Wales hospital
  631. U.S. ranks first in healthcare spending but last in life expectancy
  632. Cancer survivor, 11, catches fire in hospital
  633. Teen dies from flu after receiving flu shot
  634. 800 more children permanently harmed by vaccines
  635. video ~ Hospital horror: healthcare scandals sprout in UK
  636. The most common pain killer ... is a killer
  637. video ~ Doctors Unforgivable mistakes
  638. chicken pox vaccine triggers nationwide shingles epidemic
  639. video ~ Hospital Video Mocks Patient Care Under Health Reform
  640. 'Vaccine court' awards millions to two autistic children damaged by vaccines
  641. Many childhood vaccines contain aborted human fetal protein, DNA
  642. Global Antibiotic 'Apocalypse' Coming, England's Chief Medical Officer Warns
  643. At least 50 African children paralyzed after receiving Bill Gates-backed meningitis vaccine
  644. Study accidentally exposes chemotherapy as fraud - tumors grow faster after chemo!
  645. 800 children so far contracted narcolepsy from flu shot!
  646. Top psychiatrist: Meds behind school massacres
  647. You're Still Told Fluoridation Prevents Tooth Decay, but Science Proves Otherwise
  648. Evidence grows for narcolepsy link to GSK swine flu shot
  649. Surgeon 'left 16 items in man during operation'
  650. Belgian twins euthanised
  651. Surgical 'Never' Events Happen Nevertheless
  652. Double vaccination now required for children
  653. video ~ Vaccination Row
  654. video ~ The Truthseeker: Schools, Guns & Drugs
  655. video ~ Hooked on a high: America's prescription drug abuse problem
  656. The giant, gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting
  657. Police take newborn after mother refuses Hep B vaccination
  658. Email reminders encourage end-of-life talks
  659. Psychiatric hospital arrests innocent man and drugs him into submission
  660. 97% of kids with mumps in 09 were vaccinated for condition!
  661. Wrong man held, drugged at Graylands Mental Hospital
  662. video ~ Dirty medical needles put tens of thousands at risk in USA
  663. Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments
  664. Man dead for 2 days on hospital toilet
  665. Hospital apologises to 38 families for appalling care that saw a patient starve to death
  666. Woman Dies After Receiving Smoker's Lungs in Transplant
  667. Meds linked to 90% of school shootings
  668. Uncle Sam has swiped your medical 'privacy'
  669. US Dr's fight UN ban on mercury in vaccines!
  670. video ~Doctors AGAIN state a baby is dead, when in fact it is born healthy and alive
  671. Doctor decapitates baby during birth
  672. Experimental treatment for PTSD: Ecstasy
  673. Disabled babies dehydrated in U.K. hospitals
  674. Kids risk of whooping cough rises after final shot
  675. Woman died because doctor missed allergy
  676. Hospitals financially gain when placing patients on "pathway" to death
  677. Breast cancer screening 'harming thousands'
  678. video ~Hospital 'wrongly declared son dead'
  679. Doctors don't all agree with school vaccinations!
  680. 10 Highly Unethical Medical Experiments
  681. Sheriff wants doctors to have patients sign away rights
  682. Patients starve and die of thirst on hospital wards
  683. video ~Ghana 'horror' in mental hospital
  684. Hospitals pushed to declared patients brain dead!
  685. Nurses trashes viable kidney
  686. Man dies after doctor goes on lunch break during surgery
  687. video ~Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging (link fixed)
  688. video ~Why doctors are more dangerous than guns
  689. Doctors seek laws to kill sick Christian children
  690. Judge rules boy's life support can be switched off despite parents' hope of miracle
  691. AMA spends 19X more on adverts than Research!
  692. 11 patients exposed to fatal brain disease
  693. Government death panels already here?
  694. Hosptial employee infects 30 patients with Hepatitis C
  695. 83% of doctors 'considered quitting over Obamacare'
  696. Boy forced to get cancer-causing treatment?
  697. Pharma giant failed to report 80,000 drug files
  698. Pure ecstasy 'safe' for adults, B.C. health official says
  699. Vic patients dying of thirst, hunger
  700. Kill your elderly parents and get a cash bonus!
  701. Are Doctors Improperly Storing Vaccines?
  702. Remove Kidneys for Transplant Before Donor's Death
  703. doctor mistook tuberculosis for lovesickness
  704. "Brain Dead" man recovers before AMA takes organs!
  705. Swine flu vaccines cause 17-fold increase in narcolepsy
  706. AMA seeking laws to kill newborn babies!
  707. State confiscates newborn over vaccinations
  708. AMA lied... Autism is Reversible
  709. Medical Journal: Legalize 'After-Birth Abortions', 'Infants Are Not People'
  710. 2 children get polio from polio vaccine?!
  711. Experts fear diseases 'impossible to treat'
  712. Refuse vaccines? Then Doctors refuse to give medical care
  713. Children's medicines coated with brain-damaging aluminum
  714. Merck vaccine scientist admits presence of SV40, AIDS and cancer viruses in vaccines
  715. Breaking news: cancer drugs make tumors more aggressive and deadly
  716. AMA seeks to mandate experimental vaccines!
  717. Babies dying in NI Hospital
  718. Mentally Impaired Tot Heartlessly Denied Transplant
  719. 10 year old kills best friend while on AMA drugs
  720. video ~Teen Paralyzed After Getting H1N1 Vaccination
  721. video ~Most Astonishing Health Disaster of the 20th Century
  722. Fuel additive used in French breast implants - report
  723. Stats show hospital infection rise
  724. New Powerful Painkiller Has Drug Abuse Experts Worried
  725. video ~Man pronounced brain dead now walking and talking
  726. video ~Confessions: Pharma NOT in Business of Health, Healing, Cures, Wellness
  727. antidepressants can cause children to commit murder
  728. Vaccinated Kids 2-5 More Diseases Than Unvaccinated
  729. ALL the Vaccines Are Contaminated - Every Last One of Them
  730. New Study Verifies Mercury In Flu Shots Is Toxic
  731. Insane Vaccine Facts
  732. Loved ones not told relative is on 'death pathway'
  733. Surgeons kill 'wrong' twin in abortion, both babies now dead
  734. Merck will pay $950M to settle Vioxx investigation
  735. Hospital accused of bullying nurses who oppose abortion
  736. video ~Man, Dies After Accidentally Receiving Execution Drug
  737. Euthanasia in Netherlands of Alzheimer patient
  738. 80% of stomach removed, but man never had cancer
  739. Man told his stomach pain was due to hysterectomy
  740. US doctors conducting human experimentation in Africa
  741. Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries
  742. Mental health worker who reported child porn fired
  743. video ~Report: Prescription Drug Deaths Skyrocket
  744. Brazil doctors found guilty of killing patients 
  745. 82 yr old woman denied emergency medical care
  746. Gardasil is killing teenagers! (26 more deaths!)
  747. Cancer Research of 10 Years Useless: Fraudulent Studies
  748. Elderly killed by "secret DNR" orders!
  749. UK doctors advised gonorrhoea has turned drug resistant
  750. Test results suggest Gardasil doses contaminated
  751. California approves Gardasil Bill for 12 r olds!
  752. video ~CDC Vaccine Secrets Revealed
  753. 27 Yrs: No Deaths from Vitamins, 3 Million from AMA Drugs
  754. Drug deaths outnumber traffic deaths in U.S., data show
  755. U.S. doctors steeped in financial ties - drug money from Big Pharma
  756. Girl paralysed by epidural left in after routine surgery
  757. Hospital tells man he's pregnant!?
  758. Australia hospitals apologize for forced adoptions
  759. UK eugenic abortion stats released
  760. video ~Shock video: Medicaid caught encouraging fraud
  761. video ~Two mothers given wrong babies to breastfeed
  762. ‘Brain dead’ Quebec woman wakes up after family refuses organ donation
  763. TV adverts for commercial abortion clinics given go ahead
  764. Unwashed hands put doctors in legal peril
  765. Ambulance call denied: woman 'was still talking'
  766. Narcolepsy cases rising after swine flu vaccine
  767. Phila. jury gives teen $10 million for Motrin reaction
  768. NHS nurses think care of elderly is 'beneath them'
  769. Prescribing Jesus Gets Doctor Censured
  770. Herbal remedies banned as new EU rules take effect
  771. video ~No Pharma Liability? No Vaccine Mandates PSA
  772. Woman brain-damaged in 2-hour wait for ambulance
  773. Swedish study links swine flu vaccine to narcolepsy
  774. Doctor jailed for removing organs while using lemon juice antiseptic
  775. 9 dead after infection outbreak in Ala. hospitals
  776. Doctor tried to charge $59,490 for $74 ultrasound
  777. Mother Loses Baby for 3 Years for Refusing C-Section Pre-Consent
  778. Jesuit hospital starving mother of 6 to death
  779. Hospital bacteria strain killing patients
  780. video ~Canadian family fights to keep boy's breathing tube in place
  781. Court rules against parents in drug vaccine case
  782. video ~Parents Allege Medical Malpractice Led to Baby's Amputations
  783. Healthy baby boy dies of pneumonia after 'being placed in broken incubator with Do Not Use sticker'
  784. video ~Pregnant woman mistakenly gets abortion drug
  785. Medical students are performing intrusive exams on unconscious patients
  786. video ~St. Charles: Colonoscope Not Fully Sanitized
  787. Kosovo physicians accused of organ trafficking racket
  788. 2 yr old girl needs 3 amputations after 5 hour wait in emergency room!
  789. Fake doctor duped hospitals, universities, AMA
  790. South African hospital firm admits 'cash for kidney' transplants
  791. video ~They are now mixing the flu shot with H1N1 poisons Dr. Oz sells out to AMA!
  792. Investigation uncovers birth control problems
  793. Government Admits Link between H1N1 Vaccine and Deadly Nerve Disease
  794. ADHD Misdiagnosed In Nearly 1 Million U.S. Kids Say Researchers
  795. Nurse caught on CCTV Turing off paralyzed patient's life support machine
  796. Elderly heart patient killed after his body was accidentally drained of blood
  797. ‘Snippets’ of Patient Data Are Accidentally Posted
  798. Beware CT-scan 'dark side'
  799. video ~Police: NJ health worker assaulted 91-year old
  800. Report: Abortionist tried to remove woman's bowel
  801. Hospital flushes baby's veins with alcohol. Baby dies
  802. video ~ER Doctor drives drunk to Hospital
  803. Mother and baby in intensive care after doctors' violent brawl in delivery room delays birth
  804. flu vaccination ban goes national after fever, convulsions in children
  805. Hospital withholds food, water from Christian pastor
  806. Atheist doctors more likely to hasten death
  807. Hospital beats up accident victim
  808. Modern medicine's biggest lie claims lives
  809. Flouride water 'causes cancer'
  810. Patients files left at public dump
  811. Woman loses her bay, dignity while awaiting hospital treatment
  812. Man sews up his own leg after ER wait
  813. AMA Abortionist gets medical 'facts' wrong (on purpose)
  814. Singer dies after doctors blame headaches on pregnancy
  815. video ~Another brain infection mistaken for pregnancy!
  816. 'Bad surgeon' guily of killing three patients
  817. Portland dctor creates suicide house for patients
  818. Warning to Britain as almost half of nurses admit to killing without consent!
  819. More than 100 nurses admit to "terminating patients" without consent!
  820. Doctor physically forces woman to have abortion
  821. Hospital uses armed man in unnanounced drill
  822. Man dies after AMA transplants cancerous kidney in his body
  823. Patient died after wrong injection
  824. Bill Gates - depopulation through vaccines
  825. House and Senate Ramming Through Secret Bill Add-Ons to Block Supplements
  826. Baby boy survives for 2 days after botched late-term abortion
  827. Flu shot fatality - toddler dies 12 hours after having vaccination
  828. Fevers in 60 children linkied to flu vaccine
  829. FDA says walnuts are drugs and Doritos are heart healthy
  830. video ~Doctors perform C-section on non-pregnant woman
  831. Woman sues Tulsa Dr for being set on fire during surgery
  832. Rotarix vaccine contaminated with pig virus! 30 million kids were vaccinated with this poison!
  833. Ants eat coma patient's eye (This happened in India where the AMA gets most of their doctors from)
  834. AMA concer testing can and often does spread cancer and make it worse
  835. Big Pharma researcher admits to faking dozens of studies for Pfizer, Merck
  836. Doctors misdiagnosed teen 4 times! She then lost her leg (This happened in the UK where they have government healthcare)
  837. Doctors that helped to kill 1200 patients get off scot-free (Again, this is a UK hospital)
  838. Pediatric surgeon mistakenly removes a baby's bladder
  839. Delaware pediatrican charged with 471 sex crimes against patients
  840. AMA doctor stashes over 2 dozen aborted babies in his office
  841. Government owns your baby's blood & DNA?
  842. video ~Congressman Murtha dies after AMA msitake in surgery
  843. AMA sleep clinic caused death of 25yr old man?
  844. Patient dies in hosptial after 'do not resuscitate' form is mistakenly put in his files!
  845. Girl, 19, left blind after taking Tamiflu
  846. H1N1 is 'global scam': says expert
  847. 'Dead' man wakes up during his autopsy. AMA messes up AGAIN
  848. AMA sterilizes mother of 9 without her permission
  849. Medicare fraud cost taxpayers $55 million
  850. video ~AMA exposed again! Cured of Diabetes in 30 days!
  851. Court: State law allows doctor-assisted suicide
  852. Socialized medicine at its "best"
  853. Pediatrician accused of 'brutal attack' on kids
  854. Woman begs doctor to stop colonoscopy. He refused
  855. Girl, 2 dies of swine flu 24 hours after released from hospital
  856. Woman claims swine-flu shot caused paralysis
  857. Almost 500 people have adverse reaction to swine flu vaccine
  858. Teenage girl critically ill after swine flu treatment (Tamiflu)
  859. video ~Mounting debilities and deaths from H1N1 vaccine!
  860. Girl, 2, legs amputated by mistake
  861. 24 more cases of anaphylaxis due to flu shot
  862. AMA seeks to make Chiropractors look dangerous
  863. Fatal drug pulled from shelves 4 years later!
  864. Doctors misdiagnose 23 year coma! HE WAS CONSCIOUS!
  865. Truth about vaccines
  866. audio  ~AMA wrong AGAIN! Flu shot girl is healed NATURALLY!
  867. video ~Flu shot victim 'Desiree Jennings' healed naturally!
  868. audio  ~AMA exposed! Desiree Jennings HEALED!
  869. video ~AMA charges parents of dead son $30,000.00 for 5 mins in ER
  870. AMA doctor fakes exams to allow diseased immigrants in
  871. Govt boldly lies about alternative medicine
  872. video ~H1N1 flu - a Pharmaceutical Hoax!
  873. video ~Proof: Swine flu stats FAKED by US Govt
  874. Squalene: The Swine Flu Vaccine's dirty little secret
  875. video ~6 AMA doctors mis-diagnose cancer!
  876. Your health records available to millions
  877. A proclamation on Vaccinations
  878. Reasons NOT to take the vaccination!
  879. Jury says chemotherapy drug death was "manslaughter"
  880. Doctor lets patient die to steal Rolex
  881. Dr admits flu vaccine is deadly!
  882. 2000 schoolgirls sick from cervical cancer vaccine
  883. video ~Is the Swine flu man made?
  884. video ~Vaccine Ingredients
  885. video ~Taking your daily virus
  886. Mich. Bill Would Require Cancer Shots  
  887. 'Peaceful pill' would give patients permanent rest
  888. Terrorism, The 7th Day Adventists and Placer County Courthouse 9/11 Connection
  889. Sorry we said you could die... you've only got indigestion
  890. Another Flu Vaccine Push Coming Soon
  891. Patient DRUGGED and FORCED to get rectal exam after hit on head?
  892. US Vaccine Maker target of Homocide investigation
  893. AMA tags Pregnancy "Mental Illness!"
  894. AMA uses SWAT to invade Christian home
  895. They want your baby's DNA
  896. California plans to drug depressed patients to death
  897. The Doctors Who are Defining Life and Death
  898. Surgery agony: 'I felt every cut of the knife'
  899.  VIDEO~ Ignored patient dies at Hospital
  900. AMA again caught seekign to abort healthy baby!
  901. US court bows to AMA to stop autism lawsuit
  902.  VIDEO~Excessive heart surgeries
  903.  VIDEO~Your medical records soon to be online
  904.  VIDEO~Mom sues hospital over baby switch AND LOSES?!
  905.  VIDEO~Woman says doctors left knife in head
  906. Doctors defy law to help patients suicide
  907. Dean Health Nurse laid off mid-surgery  
  908. AMA causes 7 yr old boy to commit suicide
  909.  VIDEO~ Kids hooked on prescriptons are dying
  910. AMA now pushing booze as a cure
  911. Vaccines are dangerous to health
  912. Flu vaccine more dangerous than flu!
  913. Modern day doctors using maggots?
  914. video ~They've lied about Swine flu since 1976
  915. How to legally avoid the Flu shot
  916. video ~AMA takes kids tonsils to help sleep?
  917. video ~Truth about fat and cholesterol
  918. video ~AMA Parameics pronounce live man to be dead
  919. AMA diagnoses swine flu on 2 yr old girl. She then dies of meningitis!
  920. Doctors miss fist sized brain tumor!
  921. Baby pronounced dead is alive in coffin Ok, it's not the AMA, but they do emulate the AMA methods as a rule.
  922. video ~200,000 will die this year in USA of medical errors  
  923. video ~Your child's death will be a coincidence, and no one is liable
  924. video ~AMA purposely hides Cancer cure for profit!
  925. Did the AMA kill Senator Kennedy?  
  926. Flu vaccine linked to killer nerve disease
  927. Doctors leave premature baby to die!  



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