2030 in Prophetic Detail

I want to apologize right off to my subscribers for not being as frequent in making blog entries and videos lately. To put it lightly, I have been very busy lately, and not just on tech issues. The Lord has moved me to look into something that has me very excited as it confirms that not only is the Latter Rain about to fall; our King Jesus is to come a LOT sooner than most ever realized. In fact, many of the remnant church members have been blessed recently with a new and even stronger sense of urgency than we have had the last 10 years alone. The Latter Rain is very soon and of course Christ comes shortly thereafter. All the puzzle pieces are finally being gathered and the full picture has become quite clear to God’s obedient remnant people.

That all being said, I am currently working on a
 sermon regarding why we have seen all that’s happened the last few years as well as what’s being planned by our corrupt leaders for the coming years. I will be sharing the sermon in the coming weeks or months. I am not sure as to when the Lord will allow it to be shared as I await more light on the subject as we speak. But suffice it to say, I will share some of the points with you now that have been revealed thus far that paint a picture that clearly says we are much closer to our Lord’s return than anyone alive has ever assumed. What’s happening now, never happened before.

Here is what I have outlined for the sermon so far. And no, I am not, nor will I ever set a date for our Lord’s return. All I plan to do in this coming sermon is to share what prophecy says will happen and what current events have already confirmed have happened as well as what the corrupt leaders are planning to have happen.

Biblical history shows there was 2000 years from Adam to Abraham, 2000 years from Abraham to Christ and then 2000 years from Christ to our day. As Bible students we know that Christ predicted in the Good Samaritan prophetic parable found in
 Luke 10:30-35 that He will come back to take us home in 2000 years. As we also know, the plagues will soon come to destroy all life on earth and plague #7 is actually 125 chunks of hail. The prophet Hosea also said God’s people will be raised up at the start of the prophesied1000 years of Satan’s wandering among the dead he tempted in our generation, which is not only 2000 years from the ascension of Christ; (31AD) we see that Hosea also calls the day God’s people are to ascend to Heaven the third day for God the Father. And so that too matches up with the 2000 year timeline and the prophetic parable of Christ.
Here’s where it gets interesting:

As Christians we know that Jesus comes on the clouds of heaven; we also know the Vatican has had a telescope named Lucifer in Arizona focused in on the Orion Nebula for decades. That being the case, were you aware that scientists have recently photographed a great cloud coming from the Orion Nebula? On top of all this, Satan is right now using the Pope to do all he can to enforce the mark with the buy and sell portion of the prophecy by 2027 using his long prophesied Climate Change agenda, which is right now being set in stone with corrupt legal maneuvers using the genocidal Covid 19 vaccine as a way to also bring about what they now call “the Great Reset” under the prophesied Socialist global format that is needed to enforce the mark of the beast. And to assure this works perfectly for the Pope, they have been working for decades to bring about a global digital currency so as to better control the people and their finances when they can legally prevent buying and selling worldwide for those refusing to keep the Pope’s man-made Sabbath of Sunday.

Satan is also moving the Pope to set up and then demand a
 one world government controlled by the beast system in Rome by 2030, (Because Satan thinks Jesus returns in 2031) which students of prophecy know fulfills the one hour with the beast at the end of plague #6. Common sense also dictates that the end of plague #6 is the start of plague #7 which is in fact prophesied to be 125 chunks of hail that fall on all the wicked at the second coming killing everyone on earth that denied Jesus Christ as Lord.

That all being said, notice
 this article that confirms a comet (named Encke) is traveling towards earth right now. I would think that everyone knows comets are made of ice. (see more info here) This massive chunk of hail is expected to cross earth’s orbit in the very same year Satan is moving the Pope to have his one world government in 2030. As we know, that one world government only lasts 15 days at the end of plague #6, which them means directly after that plague ends, the 7th and final plague of hail ends all life on earth!

Again, no need to set dates, as Satan and his Pope are already doing that. All I can do is share the order of the prophesied events. It’s the Pope who’s trying to set dates for his agenda. If his date coincides with the Lord’s plans, then so be it. If not, then it will happen sooner or a little later. I am only putting out there the prophetic facts as they are penned in the Word of our God which we can see how they do actually match current events in our day, and yes, I will go into more detail in the sermon when the Lord allows.

That all being said,
 are you truly ready for the return of Christ? Have you made your path’s straight for the coming of the Lord? If not, then the plagues of Revelation will most assuredly fall upon you very soon. But, if you are an obedient Christian who has overcome their sin; you are soon to experience the Latter Rain in the very near future so as to go forth to declare the final message unto all the world. -MARANATHA!




The Presents of God ministry